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I Forge Iron

My smithing site finally up

Wesley Chambers

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He all, after much procrastination I spent some cash and put my site online. Its not much but its a start, the only issue I know of right now is the slow load time from godaddy for my background image but I'm hoping a few people might have a min to give it a glance and make sure I havent missed a link or have any bad code~ anyway I could use some feedback, any criticism welcome thanks!

Black Flag Forge

I have a link to IFI in my friends section I hope this is acceptable, please let me know!

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Very true! so much so that I forgot I even had my info on that page hah! well its fixed, Boldly! thanks Mike!

Edit: Im about to pull my hair out, for some reason my gallery section is no longer showing my photos lol the flash gallery works for a few min then I check on it later and nothing, no window nada! I truly hate godaddy.

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Thanks a ton everyone, I hope to have more to add as the weeks come. Also! if anyone has a site and would like me to add your link to my friends page toss me a PM and Ill add your site/info if google still works the same way, the more links OTHER people have to your site the higher your score. Thanks again!


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IT is looking better! I am a little interested in some of the shoe styles you show... like what do you use the full oval ones for? I have seen the ones with a tail on one side before but can't imagine what they are used for. I know a guy who is a pretty specialized farrier. He is from a family who has bred and shown standardbreds. He makes all his own shoes and doesn't use a crease... he just counter punches them. He makes a lot of them from half-round stock and they are very heavy. As I understand it they will shoe those big standardbreds with those heavy shoes and then swap them out for ultralight aluminum shoes at the shows... then they naturally feel light on their feet and prance easily enhancing their showiness. He does cheat a little sometimes and buy shoe blanks which are made by a local Amish smith... then sizes, punches and finishes them himself.

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The ovals are what is called an "Egg Bar" and is a therapeutic shoe ( generally ) and is used to isolate the hoof while adding heel support. Think of it like a set of ski's with that long protrusion out behind you your able to lean way back and not fall down, but not nearly as severe as the "Fishtail" bar shoe that is normally used in severe tendon injury/laceration.

Also the reason a lot of my shoes have been creased is because with a therapeutic shoe you want the removal to be as easy as possible, just a quick squeeze with a creased nail puller tool and they pop right out, not a lot of yanking and tugging on an already sore foot.

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Good looking site Wesley - I've got it bookmarked!

but not nearly as severe as the "Fishtail" bar shoe that is normally used in severe tendon injury/laceration.

That was a life saver shoe for me - I had a gelding who nearly severed a tendon and between a great shoer, a great vet (both said I may never ride him again) and months of physical therapy on my part, I was riding him on the beach 8 months later.

Hats off to all you folks who make a living on the under-side of a horse!!

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Chyancarrek- thanks man, I thought I knew how physical the job was going to be when I decided to go to shoeing school but I quickly learned I had NO idea lol much less how much the anatomy & bio-mechanics come into play, from a basic trim to a corrective job.

Brian C- Sadly I only have my small backyard shop at the moment, and my fiancee and I are moving to the Richmond Rd area near Lowes, I cant wait to be able to afford a shop and some land but heh small steps for now.

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