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I Forge Iron

How do I cut male threads?


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I have a piece of 1/4 inch hot rolled mild steel rod. I tried to cut 1/4-20 threads with a die. The die just rotates around on the rod and will not start to cut. I have cut many female threads over the years with no problems, but this is the first time I have tried to thread a rod. What am I doing wrong?

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Thanks for all the fast and helpful responses. Turns out the biggest problem was the piece of imported-from-china-sorry excuse for manufacturing-lack of quality control-mystery metal junk I bought from the local discount store. Bought a new die (new old-stock-made in us of a) from the local hardware store on the way home. Now the threads cut like butter! Thanks again

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Make sure the end of the bar is cut square, and file a small chamfer around it. Make sure that you do this evenly around the bar.

Small threads like this are normally cut with a one-piece split circular die. The die-stock for these has three screws; the center one has a point which goes into the split in the die, and the two side ones fit into small depressions in the die. Start by loostening the two side screws and tightening the centre one to open the die as far as possible. After taking the first cut try the fit, and if too tight then loosten the centre screw slightly and tighten the side ones. This will close the die slightly and you can take another cut. Repeat until you get the fit right. Always cut the female thread first, as the size of this will be fixed by the size of the tap; only the die is adjustable.

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