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I Forge Iron

Some help


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Hello first post here:

I never worked metal before, my budget is pretty much nil, so stock is out and scrap is in. Also a full forge is not an optition, think bare bones, might be able to borrow a small chinese anvil from the wifes dad.

With that said what should i look for scrap wise? The project in mind is a small seax, any suggestions?


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Get an old coil spring and whack a piece off. Get it hot and pound the snot outta it til it looks like a knife.

just about perfect advice!!!! :D (or leaf spring....)

get started and youll learn as you need to!

(oh, and if your using charcoal use real stuff, not briquettes!)

show us what you make!
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Just keep in mind a safety issue. Used springs have a tendency to develop stress cracks due to flexing back and forth over and over again.

I have heard more than one professional smith say that while they would make tools and stuff from used springs, they would never risk the liability of selling something made from used spring material to someone else.

Just my opinion, mileage may vary.

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After you've worked that piece of steel over pretty good, you're gonna say'Hmmmm why did it do that or not do this" then come back and ask "Why?" We may be able to help ya.
BTW fill out yer location. May have someone close by who can be of assistance in the learning process. It's a long dark road trying to be self taught.

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Tnraines if you can swing it I highly recommend Tim Lively's dvd on primitive knife making Knifemaking Video DVD It is a very good resource if you are trying to make a knife on a limited buget or just starting out and want to learn. I've been making knives for about 15 years and I really simplified things by watching his video. The website is a great resource as well. Lots of tutorials. This forum is also a great resource. Many great makers here who are always willing to offer advice and tips. Good luck:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tnraines, some ideas that might helpfirst you can make a coal forge from an old gas grill. First rip the guts out of it,then line it with fire brick.you can use an old hair dryer or leaf blower for the bellows. A boca coupler and 3/4''black iron pipe and you are on your way.
Also you could use an old turkey deep fryer,a grill grait and some firebrick to make a propane forge.
Railroad rail makes a decient anvil.
You may want to get wayne goddard's book $50 knife shop.
Just an idea.

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Tight budget ,head on over to your local library. They have books, VHS,and DVD's that you can check out for FREE. They also have the inter library system where you can request a book to be delivered from another branch.

Forge, no money? Dig a hole in the ground, get some charcoal/wood, and a hair dryer, or some other air moving device. Look for pictures of primitive forges in Africa.

Metal can be found in wrecking yards, scrap yards, friends, Freecycle, Craigslist postings for free items, wander the neighborhood the night before trash pickup (exercise machines for one), garage sales, talk to local repair shops, local businesses-I have found angle iron/pipe/bars/flats/tubing,etc that were used for pallets/skids, remodels,and other items that just get tossed. If a business helps you out, make something for them as a thank you. A simple gesture like that can go a long way. If they let you scrounge, leave the area/dumpster better than you started-DO NOT LEAVE A MESS.

Good luck!

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