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I Forge Iron

My Friend Buddy

tribal forge

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Hi all,
Gott a call this morning, my friend Buddy, who just camehome from the hospital last night, was getting out of his van, and fell, he banged his head, shoulder up pretty good, and broke his hip, so is now back in the hospital awaiting surgery on it, he is a full-blown diebetic, so surgery is really iffy, so if you all would please keep he and his wife in your pryers/Selden

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Last report was, he is waiting for room in the OR. He is at the Nashville VA, and they seem to be hammered, they have to go in, set the bones, then add a titanium plate to hold it while it heels, will know more when his wife calls me back and lets me know what is what/Selden

PS: Thank all of you for the prayers,Buddy is like a father to me

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