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I Forge Iron

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One of two of my latest works.

Working on this project proved to be a good refresher because I haven't done purely traditional blacksmithing work in a while. Also, this is a small version of a similar large-scale design of mine that will be created at an upcoming forge-in in Co. Roscommon, Ireland. I'm looking forward to it.

Mostly made from flat steel lengths and a square section for support to base.
190cm tall and streches about 40cm

The finished work has brass patina. The black and white and the blue sky photos are before patina.

I'm always looking for critique, suggestions, comments, or questions so fire off :)










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Hi, Pawel Guba,
I am a member as of two days ago, am on a few other forums related to arts, this site and the work seen here is quite impressive, much here is above the class of a high percentage of work seen elsewhere.
Great job, good flow, effortless feel, pleasing textures.

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Can you explain the finishes, both the black and the brass please?

The black oxydation was achieved with linsid oil and the brass patina by brushing over the steel with a brass-wire brush. Both on hot metal (cooler than red hot) Pretty simple processes.

texturing on wider section from powerhammer is quite an integral part of the piece...

Myloh, this piece has never seen a powerhammer :) I simply don't have one around, at least not yet. Attached are some pics for you on how it was done.

Thank you everyone for all the comments.



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Very nice to see that result from smith and striker, i am sure the full scale piece will look very tasty indeed provided you guys in Roscommon get some proper breakfasts before ye get going. I cant make it to Cootehill this time round but look forward to meeting up with your self and Sebastian in the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the pics attuched are two sculptuers made out ot very hard BASSALT stone that I was commitioned
the first are to stones nailed togethe
the second is 6 ton bassalt stonne and the 1 1.4'' rings are arranged around like a ledder in a way that one can climb up and stand on the stone
the sculptuers are located in a sculptuer garden in the galili hatzor city






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  • 4 weeks later...

I checked out your website, that's a phenomenal body of work to accomplish without a power hammer ! Fantastic stuff !

I love the ''rawness'' of the hammer work of the piece in the original post. There is much lost in getting a piece too refined and''perfect.''

Picasso said it was not so much that he knew how to paint but most importantly,he knew when to stop.

Love your drawings on your website. Thanks for sharing.

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