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I Forge Iron

When the snow flies

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It was a perfect fall day here. Clear blue skies with a few drifting clouds, bright sun but not too hot, hung around 60f most of the day with maybe 30% humidity and a light breeze. The leaves are turning and dropping, bugs were near nil and during calm moments you can smell the fall leaf mold.

A PERFECT day to cut and stack wood. Warm enough you don't need much gear, cool enough you don't sweat and NO bug bites.

Just perfect.


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Same here Frosty, 'cept it was raining, a bit warmer and more humid, some sun, and I got sent out to work on a couple chillers that had problems no one else in the shop could find.

But it was still better'n the 90* day yesterday.

Like you said, a perfect day :)

Edited by TimB
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It would be nice if it was cooler, but after awhile you learn how to deal with the heat. With the low humidity it is actually not that bad in the 90's. During the summer a lot of things are done when the sun goes down, that simple thing makes a huge difference.

I got tired of the rain, and having moldy smelling cars, everything rusting instantly, etc.. Here I can do more for longer due to the average of 350 days of sun. We average 4"- 4.5" of rain a year, with 3/4 of that during the summer monsoon season. Rarely does it rain all day, let alone for days on end. It snowed last year in Las Vegas, something like 6" in some areas. Lasted about 3 days-just how I like it. All in all I do like it down here. The only things I miss about CA are the trees, and fresh produce. I also haven't seen any skeeters where I live ;) I just have to watch out for scorpions now.

A big plus for me is that it is a gun friendly state unlike CA.

So as not to hijack this thread, here is my .02 I would think about a small wood stove to keep the shop warm. Plenty of free wood around, even here in the desert.

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Tim, could it be they found the problem and didn't want to deal with the rain?

:D:D I was wondering the same thing. Oh, well, I don't mind the rain...'cept when I have to poke around in a 240v or 480v control panel. I can deal with most weather fairly well, but I hate wind ...and the sun in my face...but wind most of all.
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granted my part of the world doesn't get all that hot or all that cold, but it all depends on what you are used to I guess.

My current workshop has wooden board walls with a lining of thin plywood (one wall has glass fibre insulation, but that's to cut down on noise from the genny), the roof it a currugated bitumen material on top of board, the floor is the damp clay of the ground.

I've been in there for a year now and already it is better than my previous tin-roofed, concrete walled and concrete floored workshops.

In the winter (min temp of maybe minus 10 C) the slack tub (big steel trough) had an inch of ice on it but previous shops had caused more at warmer temperatures. The clay floor was much less cold to stand on than concrete and the room seemed to feel warmer too. Also no condensation from the roof, just damp from the floor :( I think the wooden walls/ceiling helped a lot, as did the clay floor. the 6" of snow on the roof helped to insulate much of the building too :D

In the summer, the building was cooler than the previous shops due to the wood and clay. The floor is mostly dry until you leave something on it and find a lot of moisture has come up and condensed (should've lined the floor before I started putting tools in). I have doors that make up one third of the length on my building, so they help to get a breeze in as well. I've got some big clear roof panels to make the most of the daylight, so i had to move things around on sunny days as it did get a bit toasty under them!

I like living in a temperate climate, but I do wish it weren't so damp a lot of the year

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