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I Forge Iron

Lesson Learned

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My wife tells me I'm the worlds worst for telling on myself so why should I stop now.

I had an experience at a flea market that I payed for dearly. I was walking along looking for ball peen hammers to use or make things from when I came across what I was looking for. Will the price was good for the ball peen and I bought it. Then the dealer went to his truck and came back with another hammer not knowing what it was, will it turned out to be a 2 lb rounding hammer. It was kind of beat up and rough looking but nothing that could not be worked out. I guess I just was to set on the ball peen.

Will like a dunce I told him what it was and how it was to be used but not sure if I wanted it or not (he only wanted 6 dollars for it). Will to make a long story short when I woke from the dumb dazed state I must have been in at home I went back to only find him gone. Will 2 weeks later he was back and I asked him about the hammer. He recognized me as the one who told him all about the hammer so he put a new handle in it and sold it for 12 dollars in the next county.

Will as I kicked myself (for the second time) all the way to the car I thought serves you right for not getting it the first time. Now I know it's not the end of the world but does kind of sting to loose what could be a fairly nice hammer that I don't already have at such a low price. I did come across a 3 lb cross peen that I buffed down and did turn out quite nice also a size I did not have. So that find did help my feeling.

So my point especially to those new to the art like me don't ever be to choosy or picky if it's only a couple of bucks no matter the tool. Matter of fact Memphis has a big flea market coming up this weekend and I plan on going for the first time in many many years. But this time with a more open mind, and an eye for the hunt. Kind of trying to practice what I preach.


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I was talking to a friend of mine that's a policeman and a farrier about getting a rounding hammer, next thing I know he's handing me one of his. He was on the mounted patrol and the city payed for him to be a Farrier and to shoe their horses and they bought his tools and it was an extra one he had. I also was given two post vises to me. I don't expect people to hand these tools to me, but when they do you really apprecate it.

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Don't feel badly, I think we've all walked away from good deals for one reason or another, I know I sure have.

In the mid 90's I walked away from a 1,200lb anvil the guy would've parted with for $500 because it would've been too hard to unload at home. I picked up some other things he was selling but left the real gold there. I'm still kicking myself over that one.

One the other hand we stumble onto killer deals every now and then and get to gloat. If we didn't blow the occasional deal we wouldn't appreciate the good ones we do get.

Right now I'm waiting for Richard to post pics of what followed him home last weekend. It'll probably have to wait till he's done gleefully playing though. ;)


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Will I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one now I don't feel quite so bad but it still has a sting about it. Maybe I'll redeem myself this weekend at the big Memphis flea market. This time I'll keep my big mouth shut at least till after the deal and not before.


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