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I Forge Iron

no anvil

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I have yet too find an anvil. Seem hard to come buy these days. But what i have been using is and old die form the aluminum extrusion factory i used too work at. They closed and igot the die for free. Its hards as xxxx. It rings loud enough when u hit to make you want to wear earplugs and it seems to be working just fine. But i am still looking for a good anvil at a reasonable price.

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IForgeIron is visited by over 50 world wide countries each month and we can not guess where you are located. If you would go to user CP at the top of the forum page and enter your location, it would help us help you find an anvil.

If you are in the USA, go to the IForgeIron tailgating section of the site. There are several anvils listed there.

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I think that it sounds like you have yourself a really nice anvil to me. I would encourage you to dispel the idea that to have an anvil you must acquire a London Pattern anvil. You can make your own way to bend things around a round object, you just need to be a little more innovative. Work with what you have around I think that in time you will have all of the things you need.

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There are tons of anvils around PA, just get the word out that your looking for an anvil and be paitient, before you know it you will be coming accross more than you might think. The more people you tell the better your chances are of getting one, at some point someone will say "you know I think my grandmom has one in her barn, let me ask her if she wants to sell it" or something similar to that, like I said PA is loaded with them, it's just a matter of locating one.
In the mean time use whatever you have, there are some anvils that were nothing more than a square steel block, whatever gets the metal in the shape you want qualify's as an anvil.


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Hacal; let me rephrase your original posting as I understand it: "I have an anvil very much like most medieval and traditional Japanese swords were made on but of higher quality as it's quite hard with a loud ring. I got it for free; but I am still looking for a good anvil at a reasonable price"

I quite understand wanting more than one anvil; but I would not be in a hurry to pay too much for another one.

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