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I Forge Iron

what is it?

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hello everyone,
I bought this knife about 3 years ago at a flea market. For a few years, i collected bayonets so this one caught my eye since it resembles one, it also resembles a hitler youth knife almost exactly except the handle material is different and the blade has a fuller on either side. It has no markings whatsoever, the handle material seems to be fabric in nature but hardened, you can see grains running thru it. The tang is only a narrow strip just wide enough to put the handle pins thru. The guard and tang that the handle is attached to are one piece with a bottom tang piece which appears to be wood, it almost looks like a repair but it looks like it was made that way, very odd. the oal is 10-3/4" and the blade is 6" long x 3/16" thick. Any questions, thoughts or answers are greatly welcome! I just want to know what it is! :)






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  • 5 months later...

It doesn't have a channel to affix it to a rifle right? Or the little unlocking button found on the handle of Mauser bayonets? I only ask becuase I cant see thd detail in the photo and, at first glance, it looks like a bayonet that has been converted or even cut down(i.e., the odd shaped blade) Could it be an ersatz leftover from the greatwar that got recut and reused in WW2? I have seen a lot of weird edged weapons like that(those Germans don't ever let anything go to waste! They re-used EVERYTHING they could in the second world war) On the other hand, it could just be an oddball trench knife. The fact that it has the identical handle shape, guard shape and blade shape of a mauser bayonet make me wonder if it isnt a conversion/re-use.:confused:

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  • 9 months later...

Doesn't look like any of the WWI German trench knives I have ever seen. The overall shape is similar to a Carcano bayonet that I have. Look it over really good for marks, even on the spine of the blade. With the phenolic style grip though is similar to some Brit bayonets. The Krauts used a Bakelite type material, along with wood. Most other countries used wood for grips, with a couple of exceptions like the U.S. Very well could be a post war adaptation. That Quillion shape was being phased out by the end of the war, and pretty well gone by the Korean war.

Does it appear to be original, or could it have possibly been reworked by some hobbyist?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doesn't look like any of the WWI German trench knives I have ever seen. The overall shape is similar to a Carcano bayonet that I have. Look it over really good for marks, even on the spine of the blade. With the phenolic style grip though is similar to some Brit bayonets. The Krauts used a Bakelite type material, along with wood. Most other countries used wood for grips, with a couple of exceptions like the U.S. Very well could be a post war adaptation. That Quillion shape was being phased out by the end of the war, and pretty well gone by the Korean war.

Does it appear to be original, or could it have possibly been reworked by some hobbyist?

I didn't see any groove or latch for attaching to a rifle barrel.
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