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I Forge Iron

What is this tool for?

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Good evening,

Purchased a tool this weekend (for a buck!) that looks identical to this thing posted on a current eBay auction. My thought was it is some sort of swage or texture making die for round stock. Not good detailed photo on the eBay pic I am posting, but mine has what looks like vine texture carved into the troughs.


Can anyone enlighten a newbie?

Thank you,

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Well, If you need to wind up wire to make a splice, there are many grooves you can use for different sizes of wire. There is this loop on the ends of the reins to keep the jaws closed as you wind up the splice and keep the right amount of drag on the wire. I have one of them around the farm. (if I could find it)

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Well you see the double hinge. This is so you can flop it either way to have a wide selection of sizes to match your wire that you are wrepping that is , winding up around the standing (straight) leg. Just open the tool and close it around the wire using the appropriate size and hole and start wrapping the wire around itself. This is for making a splice. I don't believe that this type of splice is used anymore in the utility trades. It looks that the too has double grooves (holes) for a double wrap. Perhaps for making a Western Union splice.

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My guess it is a linesman tool for crimping collars around wire cable.

You got it right. That is exactly what it is. Back in the day before fiber-optic, there were many different wires running all the information-telegraph, telephone, etc. I've seen many of these tools in different configurations. Some have "jaws" for just a few types of collar, some have many (like this one.) I think there were many different types, as different companies each had their own proprietary ones that they, and only they used in the construction/repair of their lines.

Nice tool, by the way, but really not used much nowadays.
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as a smith I would keep it and use as a collar swege. As an Electrician I have tools like this for crimping wire splices. the double is for a side tap splice. Want to triple your Money? I will send you $3 for it and pay the postage.:D

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GD85, I am glad you posted this as I have one of these also. I just cleaned it off and put it up. I got it with a few of old tongs. Sounds as though they may be fairly common. :D Thanks, next time I find something like this I'll ask the people who know like you did.

Edited by sawyer04
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