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I Forge Iron

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Hello every one!
Don't know how often I will be on the site but thought I would say hi. I am trying to make blacksmithing my full time job, mostly because I really enjoy it and also because I no longer have a real job. Any way I am going to find out if I can cut it in Illinois or not. Mostly I am making 18th century stuff and a little art work, no web site yet but hope to work on that soon.
I also put time in at Lincoln's New Salem in the blacksmith shop when ever I can get there.
See you all later, Allen

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! If you are close to Charleston, ILL check out 5Corners Blacksmith Shop. The site is Lorelei Sims - Artist Blacksmith / Welcome to the Vortex of Hot Metal you won't be sorry.
Don't be afraid to ask questions...someone here will give an answer, even if made up;) not really. Great bunch of smiths here and all willing to help. Once again, welcome.

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Welcome aboard Allen, glad to have ya.

If you're thinking of going pro as a blacksmith you'll want to seriously consider doing ANYTHING that comes in the door. If the price is right of course. Limiting yourself to a specific time period when trying to get established is a severe handicap. Once you're established, known and have solid a clientele base is the time to try specialization.

Best of luck.


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