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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ironstein

  1. Glenn and family,
    I would like to express my deepest regret and sorrow for your loss. I hope friends and family are close and you are getting the support needed in these difficult times.

  2. The best scrolling tongs i have are forged from a set of old nippers. They have a good amount of "meat" at the cutter, so i forged them into a wedge shape, down to a round scrolling tong shape at the end. I often grab for those over some really nice name brand scrolling tongs i have, they just seem to work better.
    Oh, and by the way, Altusjg and Curly, nice hauls to you both.

  3. Looks great Larry. Whats that machine next to the grinder, not the induction forge, the rusty odd looking item? Correct me if i am wrong here Larry, but i assume you are taking a short heat, forging to finish shape, quenching in oil, hitting them with the grinder to watch the colors run, quenching when you see the desired color, and tossing them on the rack? When i asked the question over at NWBA forum, Grant was adamant about doing it all in one heat for a better all around tool.

  4. Thanks for all the coments. Mark, yes the anvil sure is "paying" off. Clinton, theres nothing to it, you have a power hammer, it would be a piece of cake for you.

    Horus, i etch them in ferric chloride, i think you can get it at radio shack. In my opinion, it is very important to do a nice finish polish after grinding for a good etch. Leave it in the etch longer if you want topography. My damascus is sloppy compared to most, but i enjoy it. As for thickness, those bracelets are different thicknesses, from 1/8 to 3/8. I varied them because i wanted to see how they felt, and if they were bendable. They are not, 15n20 and 1090 is very tough to move after it has cooled.

  5. Nope, no power hammer here! I do have a hydraulic press that i use to get the weld started, but i usually do the drawing on the anvil. 15n20/1090 is fairly stiff to forge, you just gotta get it hot enough. Keep it at welding heat and it moves pretty good. For all the bracelets except the cable damascus, i started with nine layers of alternating steel, i set the weld and drew it out and gave it a good tight twist. I wanted to keep the layers bold and large for some pop. Unfortunately after twisting the billet i burned it in half in the forge! I got a new electric blower for the coke forge and wasn't paying attention. I usually use my propane forge for an easy way to weld billets, but i wanted to try my hand at the coke forge for welding. I was surprised at how easy the cable damascus was to weld in the coke forge. Thanks for posting, i look forward to seeing your wares.

  6. I had a request for a damascus bracelet, so i used a billet of 15n20 and 1090 that i had in the shop and forged some bracelets. There is one forged from one inch cable as well. I found the cable on a naval base near death valley, no way to tell how old it is, but it looks like it had been there for a long time. I really enjoy making and working with pattern welded items, its like christmas when you etch them!










  7. Nice job Larry. Like Mark said, you can use additives like super-p (plasticizer) that aids in flow, cure, and sometimes even in strength. If it is going to sit for a while, cover it in burlap and keep it wet, a "wet cure" will give a slower cure and supposed stronger concrete. I just finished a water treatment plant, it was in the specs that everything be wet cured for 7 days. I saw very minimal cracking as opposed to other projects that didn't require wet cure. Next time call me, i can tie a footing like that in 6 hours by myself! My record for rebar is almost 20,000 pounds placed by myself in one day! Of course that was big bar, but i did have to punk that stuff on my shoulder all day.

  8. I have 200 pounds of l-brand coke and 100 pounds of charcoal. My 100 pound propane tank has been empty for a few weeks due to the costs going up. I have decided to concentrate on forging with coke. I bought one of Grants blowers from Blacksmith depot because the handcrank blower was getting redundant. Of course i have burned a few things up getting used to the new blower.
    I had a beautiful billet of damascus made with the twist completed, today i was getting ready to make a nice kitchen knife and burned the billet in half! Maybe the hand crank blower is a safer bet for me?

  9. Ok, i have been blacksmithing for a while now, and i find my interest in knives is growing, especially damascus. I would like to find out any info about schools or groups in my area (so cal). I would like to be able to spend some time with a master bladesmith, and eventually work my way into a bladesmith certification. Anyone have any info?

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