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Posts posted by ironstein

  1. I have recently moved to Utah. I love it here. I have found cheap (large) shop space. I am getting ready to purchase an Anyang 88. I already have a bit of work lined up. I had a customer interested in having 400 feet of one inch square bar hammer textured. Does anyone supply hammer textured bar commercially? I am trying to figure out a general price difference between one inch hot rolled square, and hammer textured one inch square. Trying to put my new hammer to work as soon as possible, but I have a feeling some of the fabricators may require similar services so I want to price it right the first time.
    I realize that the only real way to put a price on it is to do the job and figure my time and material per foot. Just wanted to get some experienced opinions on the matter.

  2. That made me think about all the soul searching I have been doing, wanting to have my own business in some type
    Of blacksmithing or bladesmithing. Then it occurred to me that I made almost 90 grand as a union rodbuster. I would have to be a pretty amazing blacksmith to bring in that kind of dough in this economy!

  3. So does that mean 15n20 Damascus shouldn't be used? I maybe I shouldn't be selling these? It's not like I am making much money if any. I have so much time, and material invested in them. It wouldn't break my heart to not sell these bracelets anymore. Or are you guys referring to the higher nickel content Damascus?

  4. So after an email from the very nice customer who purchased the bracelets, i decided to make another one at little to no cost. Heres why: she wrote me with a positive yet informative attitude, and wasn't making accusations. She stated that she couldn't share the care info with the her father in time because it was a gift and she wasn't on the phone when he opened it. I suppose i should have included a care sheet with each bracelet so someone doesn't try a stunt like putting the bracelet in a vise. Again, none of this is my fault, i just figure that i am doing this as a hobby right now, i enjoy making damascus, and it will be good karma to replace the bracelet. Who knows it may help future business when i decide to do this full time. I did tell the customer to return the pieces of broken bracelet so i can make sure they aren't scamming me for another one for free.

  5. The alloys used were 1080 and 15n20 (high nickel). I did tell the guy that I could stack the two pieces and forge weld and draw out and create a new bracelet. The cost would be the same as if I was making a new one. I was just disgusted with the attitude after the guy broke it. He was complaining that I emailed his daughter about the broken bracelet. I only did that because I was worried about one of the other recipients trying the same method of sizing. Didn't want one of the others to break theirs.

  6. Update! I just received a call from one of the recipients of one of the damascus bracelets. Apparently he decided he wanted to size it, after not being able to bend it by hand, he put it in a vice and snapped it in two! Really? You receive a bracelet as a gift and you put it in a vice and crank down on it and snap it? I was kind of upset when i found this out, especially after explicitly explaining to the purchaser that sizing needed to be done by me or a competent smith. I explained that these cannot be bent without heating to at least a dull red.
    The man called me asking what i can do for him. I told him i would make him a new one for $150. He seemed to balk at what i told him, saying he needed to check his bank account. The only reason i air this is due to my frustration. I do this as a hobby, am not a professional by any means, but i spent a lot of time polishing and tweaking these items to make my customer happy and am somehow left with a guilty feeling after finding out someone placed the item i made in a vice. The conversation made me feel as if he was expecting me to replace it for free. Maybe i am just being sensitive since i spent so much time and energy to create a nice product. Rant over.

  7. Yeah John, i have been looking into stainless damascus. Do you use stainless steel foil bags, or do you just make a container and weld it shut? One more question, after the initial weld, how well does stainless damascus forge, not being in a container? Does it tend to delaminate?

  8. Yeah Thomas, i need to experiment with that, and i would like to try some blueing salts. Maybe blue them then polish till the silver comes through. Thanks to everyone for the nice comments, i know damascus bracelets aren't very original, i just like to post a few things once in a while to let all the nice folks on IFI know i am still making stuff!
    Oh and Danger, which one are you referring to? The one with the bold thick pattern?

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