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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ironstein

  1. You can use itc to coat the whole interior. it is supposed to help with durability, and heat reflection. Your reline kit should have come with a hard fire brick material for the floor. Depending on how much forge welding and flux you use, nothing really keeps the flux from eating the floor. Some people use a separate floor liner. Check out chile forge, they make a floor liner out of a high temp. tile, call it forge armour.

  2. I haven't relined a forgemaster 5000, but i have relined my diamondback two burner, and it was easy. I also coated in itc to keep the flux damage down, seems to help it heat faster too. I'm sure blacksmith depot crries the re-line kits.

  3. Hey Mike, did you see the rattlesnake spurs Larry made? Those things are unbelievable. He has done a few wip's at the bit and spur forum, i learned a lot! Guys, count me in, i will make a pair and donate them for the auction. I just hope we get a decent amount of time since i am a weekend warrior.

  4. I second or rather, third these posts. I donated $40 because i have obtained so much knowledge, support, and friendships from this site. Glen and other administrators work tirelessly to keep this site up and running. This site is an invaluable tool that brings us together to learn and make new friends, whats a few bucks? Imagine how many hours we spend here, imagine what you spend to go to the movies, this i worth more than a movie.

  5. I originally planned on laying them flat on my welding table and beveling the seams to be welded. Today i scored a nice piece of 1 inch plate in the size i need for free from gold coast erectors. A structural ironworker at my job gave me the guys number, he originally planned on charging me, but wound up giving it to me for free! I was so taken back by his generosity that i gave him a damascus knife i made! He was stoked and i think i made a friend! A good friend to have.
    Oh and i had planned on jump welding the plates. Now i won't need to cobble anything together, i have to find a new use for those 1/2 inch plates.
    Or was that question meant for arftist?

  6. Good stuff John. Los Angeles city welding codes are some of the strictest in the country (so i have been told) yet i see the structural ironworkers using mig guns to weld structural members. They are using heavy duty flux core wire (i think its 1/8). I always wondered how they get away with this. They use the portable lincoln wire feeders run off a power source. You would think that these strict codes would require stick.

  7. Thanks Rob. I really appreciate the offer. I may stop by someday. I am always impressed at the help that is offered by the good people on this site. People like you are truly generous and selfless in their offers of help and information. I am going to see what i can scrounge up for a good base, if i can't find what i need, i am confident that with the help offered i can accomplish what i need.

  8. Thanks Travis. Fosterob, that is a nice platen you have there. I have decided to do some searching and see if any of my structural ironworker friends can scrounge up a plate for me. If i can't find what i need, i will weld the half inch plates together and see if i can keep em flat. In the meantime i made my first tool for my new anvil, it has one and one quarter hardy hole, so i made a hot cut from 4140. Thanks to everyone for your help, i will update this thread with what i decide. post-9924-0-87620400-1299447948_thumb.jp


  9. Thanks Rob, i am not doing this type of work for money, it is just for a stand for my new anvil. My welding equipment is for small stuff, and eventually i will buy a better mig machine. I may wind up purchasing some one inch plate for this, but since everyone is stating hw challenging this will be, i want to try to make it work! Thank you everyone for your great suggestions.

  10. Thanks Clinton. I have been looking for one inch plate for this, but i refuse to spend a ton of money for a large plate. Who knows, i may find what i need before the anvil gets here. I don't know if my welding is up to the task, but from what i have been told from numerous people, it will be very difficult to keep the plates flat. I am up for the challenge, i will probably have a 20 by 20 piece of scrap when i am done!

  11. I never run across 1 inch plate the size i am looking for. I need a plate roughly 13" by 18". Scrap is so expensive now that people aren't as into giving it away. My plan was to make the plate i need, when i get the anvil, use the plasma to cut the anvil size out of the plate. I have been scavenging around the jobsites, and haven't found anything the size i need. Most of what i have found has been structural pieces which are irregular. I am going to see how my welded plate comes out, if it is warped, i will look into something else.

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