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I Forge Iron

The Jeff

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Everything posted by The Jeff

  1. Our sensei goes to breaking competitions quite often and has a few national championships. But we generally do not break in class and he only teaches it to a few people. It is easy to injure yourself if you don't listen an strike right. I hurt my wrist on some blocks once. Being embarrassed and angry ( we were doing a demo at a relay for life event) I struck again. I did break it but hurt for a few months. I've never had to use it to defend myself but there have been a few instances that I was alert and ready and took a bit to calm back down afterword's.
  2. I have competed some before but mostly just traditional karate. Katas, stances basics. Some weapons and self defense as well. Occasion breaking, but that is only certain students. On another note a recently tried soap making.
  3. Yes Im formaly trained in isshinryu and am a brown belt. I made the knife for a friends little boy as a toy.
  4. I don't have any pictures but I like to carve, and I also do karate.
  5. Aluminum icicle with copper wire. Probably a stupid question but can I post multiple decorations?
  6. Sorry to hear about Thomas but glad to hear he's doing well. I feel bad for asking him about his icicles now. Will be praying for him.
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