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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Frf

  1. This is a sheetmetal worker’s stake anvil. AH is the anvil maker’s initials, 45 is probably 1845.
  2. Here is my 185kg south german pattern single horn. It was cast in 1927 and still rings true.
  3. Please post pictures of your firepot, blower setup, and the coke. Do you sift out the breeze and fines?
  4. You need to have a constant airstream to keep the coke going. A handcrank blower will not be your friend.
  5. Lately coke quality has been suffering. We are starting to experience the same thing. Where did you get your coke? The green smoke is from sulfur heavy coke that hasn’t been fully cooked. We load our firepots with fresh coke from the back and keep coke piled up at the back near the fire to gas off before we load it into the firepot.
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