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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by BillyBones

  1. Something else i forgot that gets used a lot. Chalk and a chalk board. I work out most of my idea on there then when i get what i want it goes into the note book. My chalk board is just an old piece of Masonite that i painted with some of that chalk board spray paint. Works purty good it do. That is what grandkids (or minions) are for.
  2. BGD, i am quite jealous of that lathe. Hook rule (ala Blackbear Forge) welders pencil, and center punch. Porta-band. I cant believe i have not bought one until now. Anvil bick, guillotine, and bolster plate. I have also been using my swage blocks much more recently. And of course the power tools i.e. angle grinder, drill press, stick welder, etc.
  3. Chimaera, how do you plan on tempering the blade? If you are planning on using the stove that used motor oil will stink up the house. Hope the dog can make room for you when the wife kicks you out. Ask the local restaurants. They may have used fryer oil they would be willing to part with. The bonus of that is that if it is from a fast food place it will smell like fries, fish joints will smell a bit fishy and doughnut shops, well you get the idea. Mine has a good dollop of bacon grease in it so when i quench my shop smells like bacon. A lot of folks deep fry their turkeys for Thanksgiving and will be looking to get rid of that oil also.
  4. Cool tree thingy. I spent many a Christmas and Thanksgivings alone when i was in the Army. That is generally my preferred state of being anyway so it did not bother me any. But here soon the grand kids will be showing up and the kids. I am also lucky enough to have my parents to still be able to come over also. My granddaughter and her husband will be coming home for Christmas so i will get to see that great-grandbaby for the first time. That i am kind of excited about.
  5. MJ, square up the band saw. There should be an adjustment somewhere. The dice, you do know the numbers have to be in a certain sequence right? The number you look at plus the opposite side should equal 7. So if you are looking at the 6 the side opposite is 1. how many years till something becomes a tradition? 3 years in a row i have made a new fork for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. This is my offering this year, along side the one from last year (cant find the other one) just to see progress. I have come to like to flared sides when i do them, i think colonial style. Anywho it is the one on the left. So while i was making my fork my hold fast was not holding fast. Good for larger stock but the flat bar that is the fork was bit small. So new hold fast was in order. Not the prettiest thing, and a bit longer than i wanted, but it works quite well. What i am excited about most is i almost got an upset corner. i am having a .... of a time time with them. And i thought welding was hard!
  6. We have an Alro and a metals supermarket. I have only went to the supermarket once. I use Alro when i need something.
  7. Thanks for the kind words. She hadnt done it in a long time but for a while if me and the old lady started messing around, not like that, just picking on each other, She would jump up and attack the wife. It was pretty funny. She was blind for about the last year but still managed to get around pretty well. It was only this past weekend she started getting bad. The wife is taking it much worse than i. This cat was from a litter that her old cat had. I will definitely tell her y'all send your sympathies.
  8. This is Gerard, she passed last night. It was quite a peaceful passing, she laid down and just went. She was with us for 17 years.
  9. There is an Alro steel in Cleveland and a Metals Supermarket in Brooklyn Heights also.
  10. Cant say about those bearings but i have had a couple cottage cheese under the hammer. They came from a European manufacture. I have heard of some that are mild steel that is case hardened, the outer race that is. Tried that pour spout on a ladle today, not to bad. I havent been in a long time but hunted black powder also so i tried out melting some lead. Works nice. The pic does it justice, it dont look that nice in real life. The handle was a failed project i used, just made a dish on the end of it. Finished my parents fire set, well mostly, some filing and a finish coat and it is done. Yes the broom is short and that is becuase my mom likes them that way. I also bought a whole broom, a replacement head was $35 and i could get a whole broom for $10, call me stupid but... Handle end.
  11. Nice openers. The little hatchet is coming along nicely i see also. Thanks for the tips. I also agree with them. Like i said this was just to figure out the process more or less. It actually came out much better than i expected. I do need to figure out how to make a pour spout but that is going on a small ladle. A friend at work is big into blackpowder hunting and asked if i could make him a ladle for melting lead to make shot with.
  12. Welcome from the shadows. If they were for industrial purposes i would guess powder coated.
  13. Les, we are all married to the same woman just with a different name. I am lucky though i am off work on the days my wife has to work so i get a good few hours home alone with nothing on my schedule. Speaking of wives, i tried a new way of making candle holders today. This is my proof of concept that i will give to the wife. Few bugs to work out. Was going to use a piece of 1/2" square for the base, split ends, drawn out and scrolled around but burnt off one of the legs. So i switched to the 3/4" flat.
  14. Thanks. That is actually the second one i made. i could not get the curve to look right in the first one then i figured out my holes were off center.
  15. CGL, nice to see ya! Aint seen ya around in bit, hope all is good. I think you may have that aimed at the wrong person, that is JHCC making the sign hanger. But i do agree, its looking nice.
  16. I get mine bulk out of Vandalia. He delivers if you buy enough, i am fairly close to him so his minimum for me is a ton. Dont know how much you would need to buy to get him to come to Cleveland though. $215 a ton this past summer. PM me if you wan his contact info. If you are willing to drive there is also SOFA (Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil) in Troy that may be able to hook you up.
  17. Learned the difference between self rising and all purpose flour. One of my drill sgt. told me something years ago that has stuck with me since. " A day that goes by with out learning at least 1 new thing is a wasted day. Does not matter what it is or how trivial, just learn something new."
  18. DHarris, that is a scary situation for sure. Glad it turned out ok and we are not ringing the anvil. Thanks for Vulcans Grill thread. I had to make muffins for work today. Lost my recipe then remembered i posted it here a while back. Mandarin orange ginger muffins... oh so tasty.
  19. I learned that messy people are smart people, so therefore i must be a genius.
  20. A freind stopped by the house with an old tombstone welder one day and said he would take $20 for it. I said i had no use for it. Yep, kicking myself for that one. I also have a good habit of needing something, going to get it, then when i find it, change my mind, get home then decide again that i do need it and have to go back and get it.
  21. Tailgaters? When i was in Europe people on the roads there liked to play chicken with a column of tanks. Weaving in and out, riding on our tail, etc. Sometimes a car would get stuck between 2 tanks. That is when we got our revenge. The M1 tank has a turbine engine. The exhaust comes out at about 1000*. The tank behind the car would slowly start creeping forward which would make the car have to move forward. When the car got within about 5 feet or so of the exhaust the front tank would go into tac idle. That raises the RPMs of the turbine and the temp of the exhaust to about 1500*. I have seen the paint bubbling on the hoods of cars and people have to get out of them becuase it was so hot.
  22. 1" x 1/8" flat bar i cut 18" long. The hooks are 3/8" round. IDF&C, nice dragon.
  23. Plug welds, that makes sense. I would be on my 4th trying to set rivets before i thought of that. Made the bracket to hold my fire set to the wall today. Bit chilly but the torpedo got the shop up to about 65*.
  24. JHCC, how will you do the joinery on the scrolls? Thanks y'all. I just do not have the patience for fit and finish work. That and the weather took a turn, woke up to snow on the ground yesterday and the temp was in the high 30's - low 40's. So i was kind of rushing it to come in and have a beverage in the warm house. As far as the edge retention i do not know yet. All i have done is ran a file to get a basic edge on it, today i was going to put it to the stone, maybe, it is cold and snowing again. I have no idea what metals were in the billet when i found it. I do know i added a piece of a big clock spring and a small piece of 15N20. Guess that time of year to get propane for the torpedo heater is upon us. Was out in short sleeves friday, breaking out the long handles today.
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