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I Forge Iron

Rojo Pedro

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Posts posted by Rojo Pedro

  1. Thus the journey ends. I will present tonight. 

    I am happy with the results and it was a great learning experience. I really learned alot about grinding with my 1” belt sander

    E0240207-69DE-414E-94DC-897DFA61CAF8.jpeg.b28e8de3c64cc8d4e1484d7e316f62ac.jpegThanks for looking and see you at the highland games !




  2. I feel a successful test of my heat treat.
    I tempered at 400 for 2 hours and it only really got light straw which I find interesting because other steels I have done the same temp in same oven get dark straw even peacocky purple.

    The water quenched one broke easily with a couple blows, the oil quenched one would not break until I hit it very hard and then it broke where it was clamped in the vise. 

    I will  quench in oil


    water quenched on top

  3. Got a bit of work in on saturday


    Got lot done today including some last grinding


    Happy with the handle and put a first coat of linseed oil. Pretty much just need to heat treat, come up with some kind of nut for the end and a sheath. Times ticking away


    getting close. A little scared to heat treat. The coupons you see are from the tang. One quenched in water and one in oil. The water quenched one is harder for sure. Im going to put them in the toaster oven now. See what happens. Am not going to put a blood groove. Thanks for looking

  4. Thanks rhitee

    did some grinding and filing this weekend but didnt post. Also cut a piece of white oak for the handle. So far so good


    Spent a couple hours after work the last couple nights drilling, burning and filing. 

    its going well except the tang is wider in the middle than at the blade and I over filed it which made these gaps that I dont like. I may do some more grinding and forge another one this weekend but I might live with it due to time



    thanks for looking


  5. Thanks gents

    it was fun to make and I like how the vision kind of came to me as I was doing it. I had planned 4 thin round tapers but it totally morphed as I was going along. 

    Steve, I hadn't really thought of mounting it until you asked. Thanks for the insight

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