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Posts posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. Good grief!
    i think I sent that a month ago before thanksgiving It must have been routed through the mail sorting station in Antarctica! :rolleyes:

    On a side note it looks like you need a letter opener Shaina! :lol:

  2. Thanks y’all,

    I’ve been able to tame down a few of the feral cats that show up, here a there over the years, I’ve even got some of em to hop up on my lap but they don’t trust other people,

    That said every now an then there’s a wild  one that just ain’t having it lol

    my pet cats that live in the house they all have been spayed and neutered,

    But for the wild cats its Like $75 a pop down there in town to get a cat snipped so I just focus on catching the stray/feral females that show up so I don’t have litters of kittens every five minutes! Lol 

    That’s worked pretty well to keep the cat population down around the shop over the years,

    I actually got it down to only two cat’s living out there until this little guy showed up yesterday,

    I asked the vet about rabies shots an stuff but they told me he was to young for anything right now anyways, they gave him an antibiotic shot and a pain killer shot to help with that back leg,

  3. While I was Working this afternoon I heard some mewing coming from the field, 

    tracked it down to a armadillo hole underneath a broke down truck,

    found the feral polydactyl tom kitten, looking like a drowned rat and covered in mud, 

    I grabbed a pair of welding gloves and crawled under the truck and fished him outta the hole, 

    imma thinkin something got after him during the storm last night cause he had a limp on one of his back legs,

    he’s about like holding a burlap sack full of bobcats! Lol

    i threw him in a box an drove him to town to get him checked out by the vet and brought him back to the shop an turned him loose in the abyss of my store room shelves where nothing will bother him till he get to feeling better






  4. I’m in Stilwell Oklahoma where bouts are you located?

    we have blacksmiths all over the state an there’s always someone looking for tools,

    to answer your question, you can sell it directly to a blacksmith or beginner blacksmith, you can take it to a blacksmith meet an probably sell it easy,

    id avoid consignment auctions an flea markets because they are gonna want 10% to 20% of your sale,

    You’ll do much better selling to an individual,

    we have a tailgate section here on I forge Iron that you can post it for sale on, at the top of the main pg

  5. Howdy Neighbor! and welcome to the forum!

    your a whole 10 minutes up 59 from me here in peavine! my kid boy goes to daycare up there in westville!

    I bet ya I can find ya an anvil post vise ect…

    Imma send you a PM with my Phone number so you can gimme a shout an swing on down to the shop here in peavine and we’ll see what we can’t do to get ya fixed up!

  6. 9 hours ago, Shainarue said:

    at the right price

    They sent selling them really cheap right now, imma set an wait a week and see if I can’t talk them down,


    I forgot to update on that shower curtain! It took a couple weeks for that thing to get here but when it did it was hilarious when she got home an discovered it! Bahaha! :lol:

    I found another one that I thought about surprising Max with sometime, it’s a that raptor seen from the first Jurassic Park movie! 


  7. I live rural an don’t really care much bout what people think of my junk piles when they drive by, they can mind their own business for all I care!:lol:

    as far as tool buying I’m trying to focus on stuff I ain’t found yet and passing on what I don’t need, 

    but imma sucker for another truck load!

    the last few months I’ve got rid of several anvils, blowers, forges an vises

    but just when I start to get things thinned out I stumble on another auction, clean out or trade an spend another day hauling in more I don’t need:ph34r:

    Ash normally don’t care much what I drag home as long as I keep it on the shop side of the property an not around the house side,

    that being said…

    she said no to a 12 foot tall giant concrete chicken statue a few years ago

    and more recently four vintage giant concrete gorilla statues I found a couple hrs away…

    I thought it be so awesome to have four giant gorilla statues hanging out by the highway where I could paint them an decorate them for holidays!

    I normally get away with a lot, but this time She won’t even hear me out on them! <_<
    no matter where I put them…:(

    my dreams of concrete grease monkeys are just gorillas in the mist…

  8. Lol I’m glad to here that Shaina!

    sometime imma have to tell you all about the silly catalog craziness I’ve started here in peavine! :lol: The rural mail driver just rolls his eyes at me now! bahaha!

    I myself have come to get very excited every day walking to the mailbox! I never know what’s gonna be in there anymore!

    4 hours ago, Frosty said:

    I'm tempted to say "Cheerio Billio

    Ain’t got no clue what that means but I’d like to buy the world a coke an keep it company! ;)

  9. Howdy all!
    I hope everyone got their thanksgiving cards by now! I know there was trouble with some of y’all’s getting delayed in the USPS limbo! 

    I wanna let everyone know that my 2-1/2 year old boy Max picked out some really awesome Christmas cards I’m sending to everyone on here this year near a far! Bahaha! :lol:

    The mail man just picked up the first load of em outta the mail box, so y’all all start watching y’all’s mail boxes! 

    if there’s anyone that I haven't a chance to ask an or talk with yet that would like to receive a Christmas card let me know Via PM, Im more than happy to send ya one with the next big batch goin out!

     I still have another 50 something cards to get done tomorrow I’ll be sending out on Monday so I can just add ya to the list!

    to everyone outside the US im not sure what all dates y’all celebrate Christmas on so I hope y’all’s arrive in time, all those international cards went out today too!


  10. my kid brother left nursing to go head a admin position over facilities at the local university

    because it paid way more, way less headache, and way better benefits and way more time off, 

    I have a really good friend I grew up with who’s a RN he makes decent money where he works but he gets pretty burned with the nonsense he puts up with from the higher ups always trying to cut costs an raise profits,

    I know personally 12 years ago I was busting kindling one morning barefoot and half asleep in the cold and landed a hatchet on a finger instead of the wood,

    I came in the house to rinse it off and tape it up and ash seen it an flipped out, an made me go to the ER, 

    I didn’t have no insurance then

    I was in there 30 minutes and got a half dozen stitches, 

    no pain killers, no antibiotics, no nothing,

    $3800.00 :rolleyes: for maybe 10” of thread an some rubbing alcohol,

    your right it’s the bean counters running those places!

  11. I went out to the smithy to ring the anvil under the wisteria vines awhile ago

    for Thomas to get to feeling better after reading the news

    there was a beautiful tequila sunset out west over the cow field, 

    I took a picture and sent it to his phone,

    I had hoped he would pull through a get a chance to see a sunset from his old stomping grounds here… 

    I hope he’s not hurtin…






  12. Thank you both!

    Ive actually been trying to thin out some of the stuff around here but every time I get rid of a truck load of stuff I either accidentally get trapped at a farm auction or someone else brings an anvil by they wanna sell,

    I had just sold a 225 pound PW anvil an some other stuff on Monday and by Saturday night end up with another one:rolleyes:

    its like the curse of king rusty patinas tomb or something around here! :lol:

    10 hours ago, Scott NC said:

    Nice little choo choo too Btw

    That’s a long story,

    earlier this month my mother roped me an my brother into dragging out the three semi loads of Christmas stuff outta her garage and bring it to the house so she could set all her stuff up,

    while we were digging that stuff out I came across what was left my old Playskool Express train set I had when I was max’s age,

    it was missing about half the stuff and the half that was there was in really bad shape 

    mine thing led to another an somehow I ended up on Flea Bay looking at the remains of other peoples PS express train sets from when they where little,

    I ended up finding a complete train set that had a bad Locomotive but it had all the other stuff I needed to rebuild my set so I ordered it,

    then i found some of the accessory train cars that I never had as a kid an got that too,

    when it all came in I set up 20+ foot of railroad in the living room while Max was taking a nap

    you should’ve seen the look on his face when he woke up an walked in there!!!! 

    anyways the locomotive setting under the shop tree is the one that came with the set I ordered,

    I think There’s something wrong with either the switches or the board or something cause it only intermittently comes on then dies immediately 

    We are using my old locomotive in the house so I brought this one out here to tear down sometime an see if I can’t get it back up an running so we have a spare,

    don’t look bad for a toy that’s almost 40 years old,




  13. Just got off the phone with Thomas,

    i wanted to make sure he was doin good on thanksgiving,

    he said he got to eat turkey and gravy, and that he’s had a good batch of visitors today!

    no eta on discharge yet but he said he wants to share a picture of a railroad track across his head when he gets back! 

    he also told me that he’s watched a lot of TV since he’s been in and he doesn’t approve of modern preschool children’s programs, 

    Thomas quote:

    “ I’ve seen better looking septic tanks” :lol:

    over all he sounded alright and in good spirits!

  14. Come on Jerry you ain’t foolin nobody!

    y’all ain’t got no turkeys in the Klondike!

    I always thought Y’all eat thanksgiving puffins or albatross maybe the stray Canadian Goose? :lol:

    8 hours ago, Scott NC said:

    collard greens

    Those are really good when cooked with a hunk of hog meat!

  15. On 11/15/2022 at 1:33 PM, FlatLiner said:

    or is it cheaper to buy another instead of fixing

    Yeah that might have been the deal,

    I got a 130 pound mouse hole that’s totally trashed setting out in the weeds by the shop, 

    I bought it thinking I’d reface it until I looked at the price of stoody rods per pound and laughed, 

    I could buy something ready to use cheaper than wasting effort an money on it


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