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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CTBlades

  1. Thanks Das, the spider is in the pot lol!.....Funny, I just knew someone was gonna ask where the spider was!
  2. Lol C-1....probably! Kozzy, actually it stayed pretty flat as i kept adding clamps as I worked it. I also took the the heat into consideration and just tacked, let cool and tacked more. I think the fact that it was only 40 degrees in the shop and welding on a steel table helped as well but I really don't know. I did get carried away with feet (more for looks than function) and a couple stood taller but nothing a quick hit with the grinder couldn't fix just fine.
  3. So I was asked if I could make a hot pot holder in the form of a spider web complete with standoffs. I came up with this today. It's 12" Diameter and I painted it with 2000 Degree heat paint. I'll have to bake it tomorrow when it's dry. Her you go Frosty, functional art. Man this thing was a PITA to do. All the bending and cutting and then the welding and paint. Darn thing took all afternoon.
  4. Beautiful story Aus and well done! Come on Das, you could knock that out in a couple hours..... My question is why doesn't the master himself (Mr. Frosty) make it???
  5. Yeah Das not a real cat, gzzzz man. Yes the called me the eliminator in the corporation world but that was ppl. I love animals and volunteer with several rescues .There might have been a couple ppl through the years I wanted to skin lol!!!! Aus those a very cool, did you make those? I have a whole box of hinges. Maybe I should do a Flutterby tree.....
  6. Wow very cool Das, pretty big piece too!
  7. Thank you again so much gents. Your kind words coming from the masters is aw inspiring and certainly a big part of the driving force keeping me at this most enjoyable pastime.
  8. Didn't think of it like that but your absolutely right. It does make everyone smile lol.
  9. Did you ever meet a bookworm that was just nuts about reading? This is a version of something my bride saw and asked if I could make her something like it.
  10. Did you ever meet a bookworm that was just nuts about reading? This is a version of something my bride saw and asked if I could make her something like it.
  11. You bet Das, I would love getting into a scrap yard for even an hour lol.
  12. Rustoleum is the paint and clear I've been using on outdoor metals for years. I have never just clear coated any bare metal. So maybe I should experiment a little.
  13. Outstanding suggestion fellows, thank you kindly.
  14. Thank you guys, Das, scrap I got. Now have a dozen shops and farms I visit every week and pick through their scrap bins...The scrap yards around here will not let me pick because of insurance reasons....that's ok there's always more than one way to skin a cat!
  15. Slag, yes that is true. Back in my corporate days as an engineer we manufactured laser machines and while the smaller parts were powdercoat the larger pieces such as frames where electrically charged for that very reason. These frames were twice the size of a pickup truck.
  16. Ok I'll remember that. I do also have a low pressure/high volume air brush set up that has very little overspray....maybe for the little pieces...maybe I'm just overthinking it and easier to go with disposable sponge brushes.
  17. Lmao yeah buddy...I didn't even think of Iron Butterfly until you mentioned it...perfect! I think we are giving our age away Farm...lol
  18. Thank you Farm, this one I have heard of. I've never used it but I'll look into it as well. Seeing that it's a paint additive am I correct in assuming that I can use it in a sprayer?
  19. The other day I was challenged to fabricate a simple scrap metal butterfly. Challenge accepted and complete. I don't think I could have made it any simpler lmbo!
  20. Thanks Aus, I've not heard of this brand before. I wonder if it's available here in the states or found only on your side of the pond?
  21. As you guys know I've been messing around welding up bAre and rusty scrap metal sculptures. While some are better to let rust outdoors still others are not. Some of these little tabletop pieces are meant for indoor display and I think the should stay as close to the they were made. my question is: what do you guys use and find best as a top coat- clear coat? I'm thinking Rust-oleum. Thanks in advance for your input!
  22. Beautiful blade. Pleasing to the eye with great lines. The sheath choice is perfect.
  23. True that, I'm thinking I may up the scale on the next one lol!
  24. Thanks Das, I have been enjoying making them. I've been on and around bikes most all my life and have built a number of them so I think I have a a little knowledge about them....I think building the regular bikes was easier then these little buggers lol!
  25. Glad to hear it all worked out for you!
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