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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CTBlades

  1. Clip ears, Sprockets, bolt to the door ....you guys are to fun and no Frosty your not hosting me in to that one....lol
  2. I'd lather not keep it straight but we can shave a little time if we just brush away any attitudes.....lol
  3. lol I was wondering how long it would take for that comment to come along!
  4. I had a bunch of old junk blades kicking around for years so they found they way out the the big shop today. I tried some heat coloring on the blades but even with my light tent it was hard to show.
  5. Uh yeah, somehow I doubt that lol!
  6. Really boss, build your own crane then sell tickets....what next? Lol
  7. So I was out in the shop today working on another project when I turned around and this dog appeared. I think he's a Short Earred Spinger lol....at least it's not another mouth to feed. Car and farm equipment parts.
  8. That's great. I'll need to wait a couple years when we move about 800 miles south of here to our retirement/last move home. Yes the workshop and garage or planned to be bigger than the house and an on the property scrap yard. i cant what to finally get out of here lol
  9. This makes me think about taking good pics. Since on this forum I've been lazy and just shooting with my phone on the kitchen table. I did build a light box years ago when I opened my store then moved to a potable light tent. They both did a great job illuminating objects without shadows. Maybe I should dig my tent out and give it a go!
  10. I never knew a hammer in hand could forge out so many beautiful words....awesome stuff guys!
  11. Welcome to the forum. I see your not far away. Word of caution, there is a wealth of knowledge here and more encouraging advice then you could ever soak up. You might even venture off to another side or two of metal mashing. Just keep an eye on that Frosty character! Lol
  12. Lou, I gotcha no worries. I know your encouraging me not demeaning my stuff.... Bigger??? Oh heck yeah someday. I have a couple in the works now, just a matter of scrounging up the right scrap to finish them off. Someday I want to do something I'll need a crane to move LMAO!
  13. Thank you very much yet again gents. Lou ouch....come to think of it, who wants flow? It's not the river of dreams....lol Maybe "Scrapyard Sculptures" by CTBlades or maybe just keep the two entities separate altogether. Yes Aus I sleep plenty but thank you for your concern haha. I'm retired and most everything around the house is up to snuff. My wife and everyone else I know work so I just go out to the shop in the morning like I was off to work only I get to crank up the tunes and play all day Nothing today, the only thing I'll be sculpting is my belly...lmao!
  14. Thank you Das. It was kinda building in my mind after the Sunflower and butterfly last week so last evening and today it jumped onto the welding table lol!
  15. I finished up my version of "A Bugs Life" complete with flowers, Catonine tails, snails, dragonflies, a butterfly and an inch worm. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  16. So very true! definitely reminds me of things I had forgotten. When you geared for learning and always looking for the next "greatest way", one often overlooks the tried a true methods!
  17. Yes sir, using the pipe with a hole worked very well but unlike you young string bucks muscling the rod, I'm old a lazy so a quick heat up in the forge did wonders for the 1/4" steel. Someone once told me to work smarter not harder. I wish I had thought of the bolt cutter idea...that would have been perfect....next time!
  18. Das, that is totally awesome sir. Knocked it out of the park for sure. Like what Aus said, you really have the spiders down pat!
  19. Well Frosty it's like this, I used 12+" pieces because that's the longest I could get out of the scrapped yard stands I found for free. If I had bought rod I would have used the whole length. A 5 year schedule for a tetanus shot sounds like a good idea doing what we do.
  20. I have to head up to the farm and see what they have kicking around. Really want to mess with some. Frosty, sounds easy enough. As for the bending, I just heated up a half dozen 12" lengths of old rod and used a jig I made out of a 4" piece of iron pipe in my vice with a hole drilled in it to accept the rod and then just wrapped the hot rod around it. Then just cut lengths as needed. Easy enough!
  21. Right on Das, right on! Cool story Thomas, barbwire hmmm that should prove interesting.....I've always wanted to mess around with barbwire but I haven't found any in my scrap dives yet. Found plenty as a kid though lol!
  22. Sounds like a plan so let's see it in yours!
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