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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by rustyshackleford

  1. I have no problem being direct with folks about what I would want in their yard (if there was one locally), but the concept of doughnuts, etc to help ease the foot in is baffling to me. Not from a moral standpoint, just: What, do you walk up with a hot dozen and say howdy? It would strike me as odd, if I were an employee and it came out of left field.

    You scroungers know, so fess up! I need pointers :)

  2. This has been a particular concern of mine since I m trying earnestly to begin a 'professional' Smithy. Incidentally, in a series of thoughts and conversations around the forum, I've begun to rethink my idea to incorporate welding and/or machining services as a part of it to provide a service diversity cushion of sorts.

    A piece of 6" pipe cut 10" long cost me $26 last week (the biggest welding/machine shop in town, and frankly, a bunch of shysters) . That is a scandal, but was my only option at the time.

    I've also noticed someone trying to peddle their iron on Ebay recently. The stuff is executed well, and to me, is dirt cheap, but NONE of it has any bids, so unless people are "buy it now"ing, I don't think he's finding it profitable (which is unfortunate, because I had hoped to make a stipend out of the same concept).

    I've found a few vendors interested in my products (initially), but things have been dang quiet recently.

    I believe my next step is welding certification, as discussed on another thread.....

  3. many community colleges offer a continuing ed class in welding. in Boone, they even worked with the high school and used their facilities to store the welders and teach the class. the end result of the class is a 7018 Vertical Up certification, which is a big step towards the things that the others have spoken about.

  4. You are posting them in the right place Nelson ('netiquette also dictates that caps lock is not cruise control for 'cool', btw)

    I for one certainly feel like responding to your question, but like many others, don't know the slightest thing about the punches you're talking about. I would say that given the literature you have at your disposal, you're probably right.

    my $.02

  5. The only thing that I like about it more than others is the side shelf. It gets thinner towards the end than other brands. I liked it because I feel it would be convenient for making smaller forks.

    Outside of that I don't see any superior design, etc. I don't get why his tongs are so thin either, seems like they would deform. I'm sure there's a reason i'm unaware of

  6. Nate: sweet, I figured as much, jst didn't have the time at the moment. something about the zeal of burning something... :)

    Frosty: awesome. I'll implement your notes immediately. I may not have an 80 bit, but I've got something smaller than 60, so I'll use it for right now. i'll also trim the nipple down to 4.25" (that is the measurement you said right?)

  7. without using a blower from a vaccum, it appears to be a rich flame, I see yellows when the reg is cranked open. anywhere from that point to "off" is just a weaker burn, no oomph. when I blow in it, it's appearant it's starved or something

  8. Well, it happened. I finally got my act together and built a gas forge!

    The Lowes hardware in town being what it is (certain words not fit for this forum), I was not able to find the appropriate parts for a burner, so I had to improvise. the basic idea is a Reil type.

    I've got a 10psi reg on the 20lb tank, but am blind tuning it since I have no guage. I'll fix this as soon as I can. In the meantime, I've got a #60 orifice on the nipple, but am not seeing very good function in the forge itself. the parts are as follows:

    1.25" to .5" reduction coupling
    .5" x 8" Nipple
    1/8" nipple with #60 orifice

    I've not got a flare on it right now, but need to make one. I assume the flare should sit just behind some of the refractory (i've got insulating wool in a 6" chamber)

    I tried a Zoeller style burner, but as is the case in both, they seem to benefit with the addition of even blowing in the tube. I planned on adding a blown system, but the atmospheric should work. What gives? I'll cut the burner body down if I have to, somebody let me know

    Thanks :confused:

  9. DSC00020.JPG
    stopped by some tracks at random on the way back from Yesteryear's event yesterday. Just walked a section of it from where one road crossed it to the next. about halfway between, came up with a caliper (I guess). WAY heavy, had to hoist it up on the track and slide it back to the truck. I'm going to use it as an upsetting block until I can take it to the scrapyard to trade it for something nice, hopefully.
  10. I support Drogo all the way. I've got one, and saw another this weekend at Yesteryear. They are designed pretty well, but it is cast iron, not steel. They're made in Alabama, near or in wetumpka, I beleive. for that price, go for it if you want, it's a hanfy size

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