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Posts posted by rustyshackleford

  1. It may just be ignorance, but I'm not afraid to ask:

    Hand hammers come with fullers on them. Pick the appropriate one (cross-straight-diagonal), and you hold a versitile tool, capable of quickly knocking down metal with some well placed swings. Despite this, there are tools of all flavors that fit into the hardy hole, etc. for fullering. My question is what is the point of having an independant fuller? I don't understand (and that may very well be from lack of experience) why it would be beneficial to have these tools on hand, since I don't feel that the same force and control would be present, with the piece slipping off the tool with every blow.

    The only exception in my mind would be the use of a top fuller, and a striker of some kind. Here the smith maintains control of the tool, and at teh saem time, a moving force worth being considered is being generated (by the striker). Now, this assumes that the striker is proficient at what he does, or is a machine.

    Having read some of the documents link to on this forum, I've become aware of smaller hand-fullers, and can see thier merit, since the user is generating that same downward force that is present with the top fuller mentioned.

    My apprehension may stem from improper tooling also, and I need to investigate it personally to satisfy this curiosity.

    What method do y'all prefer?

  2. It can easily be found elsewhere, but i'll say it on this thread as well: Damascus shotgun barrels (like the one described in Bealer's "Art of..") are meant to ONLY be used with black powder, NO other composition. Try it, and all likelihood is that you will be all blow'd up. As a personal reference, my grandfather, a hobbyist gunsmith in his earlier years, would tell me about this happening.

    Note: this is my 100th post! Huzzah.

  3. My small Sherline is CCW. The reason is because we live in a right-handed world. All of the controls are meant to be adjusted with the right hand, meaning the headstock is on the left, supporting Dodge's claim.

  4. The porject is finished, bu to answer your questions, it's 3/8 inch. what i ended up doing was bending it in both the hard on my anvil, and in my small post vise. The idea for the pipe is great, and I realized that the hardy accomplished the same thing. I also had the idea for the wood; I was going to pond some RR spikes into a large stump we had.

    They were used to plot out a specific area, so nothing "high spec", you're correct though. Thanks for the input Phillip :)

  5. I've got a plan for a simple grinder setup, not unlike Maser Hofi's. The only thing that I lack are.... well, everything. I need to find pulleys more so than anything else, but that's a matter of ordering them. I don't have tool rest on my design, and may just use some of the previously mentioned designs.

    Has anyone built a copy of the Fogg design?

  6. ...just a suggestion

    And well appreciated, thanks!

    You'll need to email the euroanvil guy. I never got a hold of him on the phone but he answers his emails within a day.

    I have tried both and his email rejected mine after trying for three days. Perhaps I will try again.

    I have the occasion to pass through Chester on my way to Williamsburg at least once a year, so I could just stop and pick it up en route.
  7. I admire the Hofi design, but would prefer more weight if I am indeed to purchase a brand new one (as the price-to-weight curves contrast for any given brand). I am intrigued by the euroanvil design; why are they considerably less than others?

    I am rather close to Blacksmith's Depot, and will be traveling by Chester, VA soon, so I will have an opportunity to see bother Peddinghaus, Delta, and Euroanvils in person. I believe I would like to give each a simple forging test to get a feel for the hardness differences (if I can detect any). I would probably secure whatever I get in a "sand stand".

    I have tried to contact both Blacksmith's Supply, and Depot, but neither have returned my messages. Does anyone reading attend the meetings in Chandler on Wed.?

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