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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by rustyshackleford

  1. sounds like it has character to me; I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with a name for my venture. I'm trying to make it appropriate for my 18th century demos, etc. I was also thinking of touchmarks, and know the creation of one possibly has a bearing on the other, although I was considering a simple "tomahawk" design, as I am a native reenactor and could easily fabricate one

  2. Obviously anything that was done with a Dad (the highest rank in manhood)is special. I know that without mine my life would be considerably less enjoyable than it is now, he is one of my true best friends.

    That being said.....maybe a grand historically/functionally; that's being lenient. emotionally priceless, duh, it's a man's tools! haha

  3. Finally, I have a welder that I may use to help produce some items (and fix others). It's a Campbell-Hausfeld wirefeed 125 on a cart. It was 200$ used, but even if that was not the best deal, I don't really care because it will pay for itself quickly. Since I have one now, I have decided that attitude no longer applies as I am now capable of being choosy with almost everything else I buy/make. I pick it up tomorrow; I'm so glad to have one. Lots of pokers, etc to be made now!

  4. I got somewhat disaffected when I began to 'smith, and other things like going to school interfered (although that boredom usually kindled my interest, pun intended). the disafection came from poor technique, and lack of resources. That was five or six years ago, and things are different now. As I've mentioned, I am now trying to turn my avocation into a vocation, and that provides a lot of fuel (oh I'm on a roll today). This past week I felt a little burned out because I have been diligently working on my items, but have had few buyers. I'm mostly over that now as a Trade Faire is soon approaching, and with it, the potential for a wholesale account.

    That being said, I am not near my forge everyday, and the drive to make items give me vigor. I make one or two types every time I fire it up, and the experience offers me a new challenge, and by the last item, a new product (typically) under my belt. I feel my biggest drawback is a lack of artistic creativity. I have great spatial skills, but the other also serves to discourage me. Lots of duality.

    To quote vonnegut: "And so it goes." :)

  5. I enjoy the look of a swedish hammer, it seems like it would be affective at fullering (not to open a discussion on effective hammering technique). That being said I've never used on, always german pattern, or american (with the octagonal style head). Can anyone attest to a Swedish? I plan on aquiring one soon, and would love to know what you guys think

  6. Coal!!!!

    I would estimate 150lbs

    price? f-r-e-e!

    story is, a truck tipped over in the road, and spilled it all. I asked the guy whose lot it was in, and got permission for it all. I'm so releived, I was just running out. a local school has some for free too, and I'm going to get it as well since they converted to electric

  7. I make repro trade rings from the eighteenth cent. I'm wanting to get into silver smithing, but can't find a good source for materials, short of ordering online, which I abhor the thought of. anyone know if *cring* ebay is a good source for raw materials?

  8. western nc/blue ridge/ "high country"/whatever. the place has been stripped of what little history it ever had, and what you are fortunate enough to find is over priced, due to the tourist market. in an adjacent county there is a man that used to sell anvils, but on a recent trip, he had but two, complaining of the high prices ($3/lb+) that he was having to pay for them. a ~250 lb vulcan was for sale for $750. he also had some sledges, one of which was a cross pien (the others double or straight railroad types). I have yet to make a trip down to Kayne and son for their monthly meetings, and would love to talk to all smiths who live in NC

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