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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by aessinus

  1. 10 hours ago, Frosty said:

    ...... I'd LOVE to be able to buy a couple liters of sodium silicate but the smallest quantity I can get shipped is a gallon.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Several places on amazon have quarts, but + shipping.  The rutland gallon is prime eligible, free shipping for the same money ($30)

  2. 17 minutes ago, JHCC said:

    If you cook it, it's not going to wander by twice!

    :lol:  That's true.  What I meant is there are some I won't bother with again.  Grackle, copperhead, water moccasin fall in that category; taste bad. even smoked.

    Armadillo, on the other hand, makes awesome fajitas.  Raccoon is good, just a tad greasy, I've cooked bobcat a few times too.  When we lived in Schuylkill county, PA, I cooked pigeon on a regular basis.  Farm country has loads of them & no season. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Frosty said:

    What IS it with you tejicans eating bad guys like that? I suppose you BBQ them...

    Nah, we don't smoke 'em, we just chute 'em!

    @ausfire  had roo jerky a few times, but never steak.  Texans will jerk pretty much any sort of critter to carry in their pocket, and I've been known to cook anything that wanders by, at least once.

  4. On top of a demoing summer, you have been busy.  Quite the trailer shop.  Your fab skills are to be commended.  No I'm not suggesting you are a welder!

    I applaud your efforts & It looks like you have thought it out well (You will never change a thing, smiths never do).  :)  The anvil stand & vise mount are just awesome!

  5. Congrats on the heirloom.  Nice touches your grandfather made with the accent stones.  Shows he had some artistic blood.  The genes went through to your work lad.  

    Grandpa would be proud of your work & ecstatic that you are using his forge to build beautiful things!

  6. 4 hours ago, Frosty said:

    That's a beautiful piece, I love the filleting at the tine bases. Are you making complete sets? That is one very marketable toasting fork.

    I see lots of possibilities, consider the concept adopted, thank you sir.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    I agree.  Beautiful lines.  I sometimes I have clientele that don't drive 1 ton welding trucks.  Always good to have alternative styles.

    Actually something similar would make my son's grandmother pretty happy for x-mas.    

  7. When I posted this, I was expecting it would devolve to recipes.   Thank you all.  Now I'm hungry.  :D

    So I'll throw this out.  What do you each stuff your possums with?  Brussel sprouts,including all the Brassica family or just traditional celery, onion, garlic and cornbread crumbles?

    Ausfire, do you all(spelled out so he don't have to figure out texan) eat your possums?  How do you cook them down south? 

  8. 13 hours ago, Smoggy said:

    ... it often changes with age. I can smell a hedgehog that passed through the garden last night, but I've never managed to sniff out a good deal on an anvil yet!:o

    Smoggy, my lack of smell thing has been at least since I was 19 & worked in an oilfield repair machine shop.  Carbon-arc gouging never bothered me with the odor, so that task always seemed to fall to me.  My mother insisted I shower before even leaving work because I smelled like "that nasty place".  btw, there was a hedgehog as a pet several years back.  It didn't smell much, certainly not like a musky old possum or rats.

    Slag, you are perfectly clear in all your posts.  You seldom throw me off with innuendo or sly jokes.  There are other folks that post & I have to read several times or get son to interpret.  Jokes tend to go over my head the 1st time though. 

    I did read thru both references & discussed with the lad.  His organic chemistry is fresher (30 years more current too) and he went much deeper as a pre-vet.  He's as baffled as I that I don't get the odors.  Who knows, I could have damaged something in my nose or the circuits along the way.

    Ausfire, brass is a no go.  Ammonia in the polishes I smell, but nothing from mechanically grinding or polishing,  Y'all's little possums don't smell much, but they wouldn't make much of a Sunday dinner like our big guys.

    gote, check Kozzy's reference articles about metal odor & the reactions.  Very interesting.

  9. 6 hours ago, SLAG said:

    Aessinus  please define EDM,

    A net search defined EDM as Electronic-Dance-Music. I do not believe that is the correct meaning in this thread's context.

    Sorry Boss.  Try wire cut electrical discharge machining.  Somewhat the same results as waterjet, just closer results.  Is the shizzzbomb!...

    6 hours ago, SmoothBore said:

    Anyone who has worked in a shop doing Zinc or Aluminum Die Casting knows the odor associated with "Heavy Metal Toxicity".

    Whether that is the odor of the base metal, or one of the trace alloys, ... like Arsenic or Antimony, ... is unknown to me.

    Also, Iron Oxide, on Steel or Cast Iron, has a very noticeable odor and taste.

    Copper Pennies are widely regarded as having a noticeable flavor.


    The variables in human sensory perception are intriguing, ... as well as extensively documented.

    Once again, I find myself to be a mutant.  Sigh.

  10. Very interesting research Kozzy.  Thanks for posting.  I'll have to do some more looking tonight. 

    Apparently my skin does the right thing to metal because the boy, and his mom, can always tell if I been "hands on" all day.  At work, we use primarily use bandsaws or similar, produces very fine dust that must be pungent.  Our material is not touched without gloves during processing.  Our customers insist their parts be clean & ready to bond, but the dusts go everywhere, even with big dust collection systems.

    8 hours ago, Foundryman said:

    When casting gunmetal it will either be green sand or petrobond (oil bonded sand) depending on the component being cast.

    The fish smell I do recall from AFS(American Foundry Society) college days.  We had a very well equipped foundry for green sand, different core methods, a permanent mold machine, two big gas furnaces & two brand-new induction furnaces.  I remember one of the cores smelled like sardines when you opened the molds.  I don't recall which core type it was though.  Good times, but just too many years ago.

    We had an 80# brass melt get away from the instructor/club mentor; when everybody bailed, I ran the length of the shop (100' feet?) to kill the furnace & get all the roof purge blowers going to evacuate the smoke.  I held my breath mostly, but have been gunshy of zinc ever since.  Made me pretty sick

  11. 10 hours ago, Frosty said:

    If you walk into a steel supplier the smell is the oils and protective coatings on the steel. However metals have a distinct smell I can easily tell the difference between steel, non ferrous and aluminum. Seriously you CAN'T smell aluminum? .....

    So yes, you can indeed smell metals.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Nope, nor taste.  My paying shop machines aluminum & composite honeycomb for aerospace mostly.  If a cutter gets glowing hot (dull) I can smell the burning adhesive where the aluminum foil is bonded together easily, as in before other folks notice there is an issue.  All the composites I can distinguish by the resin odor when they are machined.

    Son's work shop machines honeycomb in SS, Hastex, etc.  It's all spot-welded together on site, but no smell for me.  He says he tell what general type is running by the smell.  The wire EDM's and spark erosion grinders apparently smell really strong, but all I get is the funky electrolyte and cutting oil fumes in the machine shop.

    Dunno, maybe I am am a throwback

  12. 6 hours ago, Ridgewayforge said:

    Well, I haven't licked my anvil, but.... 

    Yes, you can taste steel- its particularly strong when I use my angle grinder without a mask. 

    @RidgewayforgeJust tried my HB, only thing I get is the honey taste from the beeswax I keep on the face,


    TP, I must be a mutant.  Never knew anyone could til the lad mentioned it a few years ago.  Seriously, no smell, no taste, I get nothing...

    Even way back in college, I figured the guys complaining about canned beer tasting funny were just being snooty about my cheap stuff.. 

    I should do some research I suppose.  My sniffer works good in the woods; I can smell a possum & figure out which tree he went up.

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