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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by tig13

  1. Thanks I'm glade it worked
  2. You know it worked and I'm happy with the results
  3. It was cracked before I bought it. So I split the cracks with a cutting wheel to reduce more spliting then we preheated in our oven at 400deg then we bent it
  4. It's got some good amount of weight haven't put on a scale yet
  5. So I got this post vise at a antique barn/store it was tool heaven by the way, I have never seen so many tools it was insane. Anyway when i found this vise it looked good from a glance well i must have been drunk or still in aww of the insanity that was the barn. Because this thing was in rough shape being that its metal i can fix it... Well there was alot of surgery to be done it was bent and cracked so when it was completely closed it was off by an 1" so I split it where it was cracked and sent to our press at work had them get it straight, welded it all up grinded and sanded it, powder coated it. All I paid was 40 bucks! Oh and when i was cleaning it came across some numbers theres an 8 on the mount and a 2 on one of the bushing and also 65. does anyone have a clue what these mean?
  6. tig13


    i used a 2" ss pipe 3/4 id. and didnt have a torch or forge handy to flare the nozzle so i got out my 8oz ball pin hammer and my 16oz, put the 8oz ball of the hammer in the hole and used the 16oz to pound it in. Do this till the ball is about 3/4's of the way in and switch to the 16oz ball of the hammer and i had a 3lb sledge to pound with worked perfectly..Oh i would spray wd-40 in the pipe and ball to prevent it from getting stuck..
  7. does your welder have a pulse setting if so i would try that on some test metal. It worked for me when i welded a copper cup out of mig nozzles worked great but the only challenge was getting the heat right.. not sure if this helped
  8. Thanks guys I can't wait to start forging. I do plan on putting shut offs for all burners.
  9. All the guys at work think it looks like some from transformers. What do you guys think
  10. So i we build the radiators for the CAT 797F for those that don't know what that is, its the 2 story minning trucks. Anyways we had some scrap parts from one of the tanks so i turned into a very comfortabe chair great for seating in front of a firepit or something. The holy back is what the call the header plate the rest is just random scrap all tig welded, will be painting it in hot rod form flat blk and chrome and metalic blue.. will show complete pics later
  11. Here the pics of small but stupid thick and improved old forge with rack extensions for long material and a mounting bracket for plumbing of burners
  12. Ok so I thought about it and when I finally had some free time at work. I pulled out the plasma and cut the 2 pipes out and am going to put 3 new holes with 5 inches between them hopefully this works.. I also had time to build a ten inch forge with some scrap 1 inch( over kill I know)
  13. tig13

    parker trash

    Will trade for anvil!!
  14. tig13

    parker trash

    My work is moving into a new building and have been cleaning in places that haven't be touched in years. Anyway as I was welding some parts up one my co workers was the forklift driver for the day and as he was dumping scrap he saw this very large parker next to the dumpster so he snatched it up cleaned it up. Works perfectly. My question now is the age it's only marking are parker and 275? Oh and it took two of use to put in his truck
  15. My work is moving into a new building and have been cleaning in places that haven't be touched in years. Anyway as I was welding some parts up one my co workers was the forklift driver for the day and as he was dumping scrap he saw this very large parker next to the dumpster so he snatched it up cleaned it up. Works perfectly. My question now is the age it's only marking are parker and 275? Oh and it took two of use to put in his truck
  16. Thanks for all your thoughts and ideas. Luckily I still have the other half of the pipe so I'm going to start small with a 10" forge instead.. thanks again tigger
  17. What if i were to put another burner on the other side in between the two exisiting with the same angle? So all three would be aimed in the same direction just the middle one would be closer to the other wall as far as the angle goes. Cause the way they are space now if i were to put another burner there the spacing wouldn't be even or does the spacing really matter? My thinking is if there pointing at the same angle then that would allow for it to vortex inside.... Any ideas would be awesome!!
  18. Ok well, I ordered the wool and bricks ill see how much room that leaves me with, and reply with some measurements, if anything I can always section it and re weld it.. thanks for your input
  19. Hello everyone, i have been lurking this forum for a couple months now becoming more and more excited about the trade. I have be building a gas forge for about a month secretly at work. The body is from a 6" argone bottle i got from our airgas rep. then cut it to a 24" section, spilt it down the middle and tig welded a 3" section to make it a 24x10x6 body. Im going with 2 venturi side arm burners 3/4 every thing is welded with 309L and xrayed just for kicks. I am lacking the kaowool and firebricks and also the itc. But as soon as i get those in i will post pics of the finish product. i could go on with more info but ill just let you see..
  20. tig13

    Final surface finish

    that came out really good congrats!
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