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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Posts posted by Steve Sells

  1. I never said that Dan Fogg didn't know, I said the statement of hi/low carbon content of layers in a pattern welded blade was in error.

    I simply disagree about spreading false information, no matter the reason. No matter the degree or person writing it, either my statement is factual or not. Maybe I am taking this too hard.

  2. Big Blu was ran off of here several times for promoting their products and you are capitalizing on the tailgate section and your still here?

    BB was in fact posting adds here, we have removed those as IFI does not accept advertising. A smith is allowed to use their URL to their personal or even business web site in their tag line, but another web site listed there will be removed.

    I must agree that it does seem there has been promotion from brianbrazealblacksmith and it has been discussed, a decision has not been made, as it has been in the tailgating forum. So more posting information for the good of everyone and less sales is a good idea.
  3. Spark arresters and other safety equipment are nice. It is a good idea to always start with a good location, and safe practices. These other things just help out. I don't rely on them for fire prevention.

    If your choice is to build close to the chicken house or barn, then consider a stray spark. I would rather replace a chicken coop than the entire barn. also the hay can ignite fast, starting other things burning.

    If it was my call, I would build at least 3x the height of the chimney away from anything you can't afford to lose. So if you have a flue top of 15 feet above ground, a 45 ft burn free radius, should be fine.

    Having said that the odds are low of starting a fire from your flue using charcoal, coal or coke are even less, but this is a long term shop so why have to move it later? Why risk your property by making a hasty placement decision.

  4. carbon content will be even after a few folds, due to carbon migration, so carbon alone wont be much of a pattern, other alloys Do make a difference. We can use many metal combinations. Various added elements in the steels will cause the steels to etch differently. Manganese=black, Nickel=silver, Chromium=light gray, High carbon =dark gray and so forth.

    also 38% is a bit strong, I use a lot lower. closer to 1.5%, but what ever you wish. Welcome to IFI

  5. I have to ask, how did you determine it was at non magnetic? I hope you didn't place the magnet there till it fell off. heat will ruin a magnet. We only touch it with the steel at various times until it won't attract anymore.

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