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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by macbruce

  1. Ok Work shop rat, there they are!..........If you can drag your Dodge Caravan, kicking and screaming out here you can have em for .30 a lb...... I could even help to heave em in the back after a half dozen or so whiskey and cokes.............:P
  2. The bz costs 10x +- that of steel.........but labor isn't 10x...........at a minimum I charge 2x that of steel.........
  3. I can't think of a better metal for exterior stuff........The Navy can't be wrong, they use plenty........... Keeping the ''handles'' cool is simple, just pick up a siphon blow gun a napa, etc, or you can rig your own with a T pipe fitting......If you have a compressor.... If you forge points, tapers, try to do em in one heat. Putting em back inn the forge when the material is thin is dicey.... If you think it maybe too hot, shut the forge down, don't touch it till after it cools a bit........The way I tell the correct forging temp is if the colour red you see has a darkness to it , good to go.........darkness gone........ Danger Rusty Danger! Oh and EVERYBODY I've ever seen breaks a piece or two from over heating , buy a little extra
  4. Get a horse..... Or maybe a truck with a lift gate...........
  5. Sometimes dealing with , owners, architects, decorators, etc who feel that they are the only creators of what we do is one of those little rubs we have to live with..........If they need to get their egos massaged that bad who gives a....................;)
  6. I don't know what they're called so I came up with something off the wall, I wouldn't mind knowing though.......Probly some French term, when trasnslated it would be instantly edited....:lol:
  7. This reminds me of a railing in a hotel that I was taking a picture of and it was JUST SCROLLS......... The manager rushed out and ragged on me, saying this was copyrighted and I couldn't use the images for reproduction.............Gimme a break....:P
  8. I whipped this out today for the benefit of those who don't know what the heck a doogie is for.......................
  9. Those look like decent cigars, please save me one, oh and take the wood wrapper off before you smoke it....................:D
  10. Little PH doogie dies I made for little doogies..............
  11. Wow, does that bring back memories. I visited Saugus when I was 10-11 years old in the mid 50's......It started a spark........mb
  12. Stormcrow, Duh ........Found the link, looks like a cool set up............mb
  13. You can still give the base plates a slight curve to counteract welding pull........mb
  14. The outboard bolts clamp the ''sow plate'' and when loosened allow it to be positioned in and out 3'' + -.The slots are wide enough to allow the plate to move side to side 3/8''. The tool holder/ adapter plate goes next, die on top and the tool (kiss block in this case) attaches to the pan handle........The tool holder can also receive wider than normal dies like the mill ball.........Shown also is an underbite setting with flat dies...........Kinda weird and ugly, but it works for me I'd like to see your one bolt clamp setup Stormcrow............mb
  15. I don't think lack of precision on your or my part is the major foyble . Hammers with dovetails deal with X & Y not so much , we got X & Y to deal with, and these machines aren't exactly mills when it comes to the index between top and bottom.................No matter how anal I was laying out new dies they always were a little out ............So, exact same problem, two different solutions. Here's mine......... One nut per die......I ain't gonna race ya !
  16. Outside the box or inside the tank??.............very clever, I love stuff like that........mb
  17. Lead shot ?? Well if I did use that I wouldn't say so here, ya never know there might be a game warden reading this. Paranoid? A little , but not as bad as some members that won't even post what state they're from...............(short rant) not you rusty........I'm out on the plains in farm country and unless you got $500---$1,000 for decoys, you pass shoot. And that is a challenge. 80 ft per second +-- and try to factor in altitude as well , doesn't make for a high kill ratio, honk honk..... Funny they seem to know the day after seasons ends and fly right in your face...............Oh and there is no (steel or lead) bounce back on these puppies.......(subject addressed) I think you and my son would hit it off, re Mr Zag.............. Didn't you give the Basco a try?.........Honk honk........:D
  18. Yea, I love gumbo,ever tried goose gumbo? I make a mean one ! Very few decent Cajun restraunts here......... Thought I recalled you waxing poetic about whiskey and coke........musta been somebody else......I'll git the rubber snakes..... JB Weld flux ??? Heard Tabasco works pretty good, but I couldn't say for sure............:rolleyes:
  19. I gotta be there ! You cook the gumbo, and I'll bring the whiskey and coke....acola.......:wacko:
  20. Chinese forges take a long time between heats, you might want to consider returning it..........:lol:
  21. Rus you're a man after my own heart ! It wouldn't supprise me if you rigged a rubber one up in a tree to release an drop into their boats.......I would sure put a little zip into a hot afternoon , course the armed snake hunters might take an interest in the sounds of laughter.....................
  22. I'd like to see your set up, I' guessing it's a clamp down affair? And what turned you off to bolt ons? thx mb
  23. I've had my share of close calls shooting at steel, and had a close call like the video......Having fun one day shooting a 7.62x39 (ak47) with armour piercing steel cores blowing holes in a good size I beam.............when they go through it's way cool, when they don't It's way not................... this applies to lead too ''Every action has an equal an opposit reaction''........otherwise, get out of the way or eat it I think the swinging or drop over pistol targets deflect the bullet pretty well..always wear you know what...............mb
  24. I like to use an arbor press to remove handles. Support the bottom of the hammer in the press, place say a 3/4'' x 3'' +- round slug on top of the wedge and push it out.............mb
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