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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by matto

  1. My new Edwards shear #5 image.jpeg.44f0589a6624b6ad74483a3c7823aimage.jpeg.e507267edf55725169cdbc9f3c091

    took it all apart cleaned and re greased.  Now want to make a short stand for it with two slide stands to hold stock and mount it by the forge.  I have an Edwards 10b bolted by my stock rack that is set to cut max 4' lengths. ( it is set 4' from the wall so touch the wall with stock and it will be sheared at 4'


  2. I'm with frosty on a tripod stand.  They are so stable.  If you are putting feet on and bolting it to the floor no worries.  One main bennifit of a tripod is it will stay stable on multiple surfaces.  

    Frosty sounds good.  Dibs on the runt of the litter.  I was a runt and turned out good so I tend to go for them.

  3. I think what ever you do will be great.  It is hard to describe what is in your head sometimes so I m glad you could follow.  

    I like the vine idea, I would call them roots instead and my thought is no leaves.  I think they may not look right with the rest of the piece.  To forged.  To me would look like filler or to much.  Just my take.  But I do like the thought of using wrought and wrapping around the center pole to the base.  Keep the simplicity and character of the old stock.  You want a good symmetry between base and top.  I think the leaves would brake that up.  But just my thought on it.

  4. Aus I think the top spikes are just right. Not to short and not to long but longer than the coat spikes.  As for the wheel barrel wheel  not what I was expecting.  You could still use as part of the base and take some spikes like on top and draw them out some using the head as the feet and mounting the point about 6"to 8" above the bottom then out over the wheel barrel spokes.  Basicly adding angle brackets for support.

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