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haveing a hard time figgering how to post on this site , just joined the rest been doing some rebuilding on the forge an blower , but getting it done , glad to be abord , thanks for the warm welcome


Hi. Welcome aboard. I just joined a couple days ago. And nobody's bit my head off so far - must be doing something wrong (right). Always glad to ... talk shop.

But this dial-up connection of mine is a pain.

Mikey - that grumpy ol' german blacksmith out in the Hinterlands


Welcome aboard, glad to have ya.

Please feel free to ask if you're having trouble with the site, someone will lend you a hand.

Mikey has proven a sore disappointment in the grumpy department so how he expects to get himself a good head biting is beyond me. :rolleyes:

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location so folk know where you are, they can let you know about get togethers, tool deals, maybe provide hands on help.


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