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I Forge Iron

First Tongs

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I'm very new to Smithin, so until someone more experienced comes along ... can I say I recently bought some 1/2 inch square bolt tongs and 1/2 inch square punch tongs and they seem to handle most of the stock I'm using at the moment including both round and square 1/2 and round and square 3/8 at a push! It does of course depend on what your first intended projects are though. :)


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I would recommend for your first project to go to the top of the forum page, click on User CP and enter your location.

Second I would recommend you go to IForgeIron.com > Lessons in metalworking > Blacksmithing. The articles there introduct you to the craft, the tools, building a forge, and getting started.

As to hammer and tongs, find a mechanics ball peen hammer of about 2 pounds or less in weight, and a pair of vise grips (tongs), both serviceable for blacksmithing. Look up Blueprint BP0133 the now famous 55 Forge for a solid fuel forge, and look at the rest of the Blueprints for project ideas.

Welcome to IForgeIron.

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It is fairly easy to get started in this art, much harder to get good at it, just start with the real simple stuff, but most importantly, have safety equipment and knowledge of injury treatment. Good safety glasses, something to keep from setting yourself on fire, ( an apron) good shoes etc. The slack tub, or bucket whathaveyou, is very good if you get a small burn. I would start by getting some farrier nippers and modifying them, look carefully at whatever tongs you pick up and figure out how they were made. My first pair were modelled after a pair I disassembled and copied. Also if your wrist and forearm start hurting from more than fatigue, be very careful. This site is so extensive with knowledge, I would suggest you spend every available second here, it will save you weeks of grief!! Good luck, and happy hammerin.

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