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I tried one out recently and liked it. As mentioned before, it's a single blow hammer not a power hammer. It has a strikes a strong blow and has a really tall stroke. The price is nice as well. That being said, you have to step down on the throttle for every hit. Go to their website and watch the demo videos.


Jose will be along shortly he has one and is very happy with it which seems to be the general consenous about the KA-75. If you watch their videos they state its an on call striker more than a power hammer. I almost bought one but came arcoss something else..


the KA and the Big Blu are both very nice machines. If you are looking at doing a lot of forging I would recommend the Big Blu. They offer a variety of dies for doing all kinds of work and are very easy to change. They also offer classes on how use the Big Blu to its fullest potential. Check out their web site.

Jose will be along shortly he has one and is very happy with it which seems to be the general consenous about the KA-75. If you watch their videos they state its an on call striker more than a power hammer. I almost bought one but came arcoss something else..

How did you know???? Thats great!!

Chris is right, I have one and love it. They are outstanding little machines that hit suprisingly hard for their size, hardly take up any space at all, and are low maintenance. I use mine all of the time for stuff like punching, hot slitting, detailing, and texturing. The dies are huge for such a small machine, and it's easy to make tooling for. It is a strong and simple design, just remember that, like mark said, they are not like a traditional power hammer that will strike repeatedly as long as you keep your foot on the treadle. But more like a pneumatic treadle hammer, striking one single blow each time the treadle is depressed. The faster that you depress the treadle the harder the hammer hits, and with this hammer the ammount of controll is respectable, and consistant. One other thing to consider is that the compressor that you will need to operate a KA-75 is big and expensive, so be sure that you have enough compressor to supply the hammer with a ton of air. The more air the better, This hammer is air hungry, and operates longer and better when well fed.

I also have a Big Blu 155 and love it. Both hammers hit very hard but serve very different purposes. The big blu is wicked when you want to move a bunch of metal, but it gets a bit sketchy when you are trying to deliver single full force blows. So it just depends on what you are doing, how much space you have, and how much money you want to spend.

Here is some more threads with discussions about the KA

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