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I Forge Iron

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No pictures of what you cast? We won't believe it if you don't show us pictures you know, it's an IFI tradition.

Below are a couple videos of making flasks. I like the idea of putting dados on  the inside so you won't have a mold drop out. It doesn't happen very often but it can happen.


The second video is a little too cutesy for my liking but he makes a decent flask. I like the idea of putting the alignment registers offset on the other side so you can't put the flask together reversed. 


The flasks we used in school were cast aluminum and the alignment registers were large tabs with holes in drag and pins in the cope. I don't remember what the inside surfaces looked like, smooth I think. I just watched a bunch of flask making videos and everybody made them with smooth inside surfaces so the dado might be unnecessary. Looked like a good idea but it's been more than 50 years since I did any casting to speak of.

The main thing to remember is to get the flask halves as perfectly matched as possible and make the register pins, pegs, etc. so there is NO WIGGLE when the flask is assembled though it is nice if they're chamfered so they go together easily.

Frosty The Lucky.


Congrats on a successful pour!   Sounds like you are well on your way to a long-lasting addiction. There is definitely a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that you can get from working with your hands to create something you like that you just can't usually get by sitting at a desk.

If you have the time and ability to post a picture (or a few) of your build and your casting I'd love to see it as well.

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hey Guys! Sorry for it being so long, truly. I hope this finds you both well.

Before I get started, Frosty- I ended up making my own flask with a mig welder, some 2 inch angle iron and two bolts on either side welded in place with nuts to keep things tight, my tolerances are alright but youll see i have a noticeable seam on my object, so ill end up making another. Id like to make a new one that allows for a top pour, dunno if thats the right term but I am currently pouring from the large open side, the side i pack the casting sand in. 
The past year has been what feels like a whirl wind. I have continued with the forge somewhat, been still diddling around with metal work. I can share anything youd like if you have questions about what i make or do. 

Been working over the past year as well, I build/ climb concert stages to pay what bills I have (still live w/ parents) 

And finally a couple months ago i blew up my right ankle, tendon and cartilage in a fall i took downhill longboarding down a mountain in TN. So the recovery has been a slow process up until now but today I just got to start "walking" again without crutches. So thats pretty sweet for me. 

Below are pics of my first cast. Again its an artifact from a Japanese comic i've read all of, its very, very good, its called Berserk by the late Kentaro Miura. 

Since my first cast I have made more egg lookin things, each one coming out with less work i have to put in to make it look good enough to give to someone. 



I also meant to add that the first pour was done using the one and done negative plaster cast. Another reason for such poor quality, i did plenty of grinding and tig welding up the low areas and then grinding back down to get the shape I wanted. Also did some detail work around the eyes and mouth with a Dremel and hand files. 

Edited by Mod34
Edited for inappropriate language

Hey Smeeldog, good to see you posting again. Bummer about the ankle, that's a tough one to get rehabbed. I broke my leg at my knee, curling a few years ago and it still bothers me.

What are the attachments? They're huge, every single one well over a meg. I assume they're some kind of link because they're way too large to upload on Iforge. I don't download blank links larger than maybe 500k. IF I know the person sending the link.

So, how about sending still pics instead of videos or Iphone pics. Resize them to under a couple hundred kb so we can take a look please.

Frosty The Lucky.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man how did that curling accident happen? Sorry to hear you still notice it. BUT, feels good to be posting again.  



Ah, we were finished playing for the night, picking up and putting the equipment away. One of the guys was thawing the hacks loose from the ice with hot water and I was following along picking them up. Hacks are like runner's blocks but have little tabs that get frozen into the ice. Anyway I squatted down to pick up a pair, my left foot slid out sideways and I drove my knee into the ice. Even with my grippers on I was down instantly and stayed there. 

Got hauled home and Deb called an ambulance, I should've taken one directly to the hospital, they made the OWies go right away. For a while that is.

Frosty The Lucky.

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