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We had some bad luck 3/31 - 4/1/2023!  The fire took out the forge in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Bradley, 100#, Upright Strap Hammer has seen better days, as you can see.  However,

I have been working on it since the fire, and the good news is that all the parts that move

still do!  The paint job is toast, but the bearings etc., did not get hot enough to melt the babbit

metal so we can save it.  All the rubber burned up totally and I need dimensions and a source

to replace the two round cushions that sat atop one another at the rear of the arms which lifted 

the straps and the top 100# die.  This hammer served us well for over 20 years and deserves to

be resurrected.


The patent was issued in 1896 and the illustration shows the rubber cushions, or shock

absorbers, at the rear of the hammer.  The gray hammer is not ours but is basically the same

and shows the missing rubber cushions, just two. 


As we all know, moving things like this on the spur of the moment is NOT easy.  I was lucky to

save it from the scrap yard and get it to a safe location in the same day.  The shop it's in now

has been sold and I have about a month to get it up and running, and moved,before the new

owner takes possession and scraps it.  Any ideas, information, sources etc. will be greatly

appreciated.  Help if you can.


Thanks & Stay Well,


William L. Howard (Bill)


Howard Academy Metal Arts

[email protected]

2 100# Power Hammer - 5000lbs .jpg

3 close up of .JPEG

Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 06-56-15 Running the Bradley Power Hammer.png

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 23-06-20 US Patent 368 384 - Power-hammer.png

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Welcome from the Ozark Mountains. Wow, I didn't expect to see total destruction of your shop. Hope the anvils didn't get damaged by losing the temper. If you search (Google) for Mark Krause Hammer Whisperer if anyone knows where to get the parts you need for the Bradley he will. He repairs/restores hammers world wide.  We can't put in links to commercial sites or I would.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sails.

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Bill-if you pm me or email me I can help get you in touch with folks who can set you up with replacement cushions. I'm in Janesville, WI. I'm pretty sure we met years ago. that shop fire looks horrible. Very sorry to see that.


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  • 3 weeks later...

That is terrible! The good news is that Bradley’s are pretty bomb proof. Scrub the soot off, replace the belts, motor and rubber and it should be ready to oil up and run. Rubber seems tough to come by. Mine were cast by a gentleman in Michigan many years ago ( Jeff Stark was his name but I haven’t heard anything from him in quite some time) Bob Bergman had a place that made them, and I know that Stuart has a pile of rubber cushions from a 200 ( be prepared to remortgage your house though) the ones I had cast were from an ether urethane and apparently rather inexpensive to produce. The molds were duct taped together from aluminum flashing, and the rubber is mixed as a two part material. ( I have not tried this personally)

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