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I Forge Iron

Looking for a hand crank blower near Ohio


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Hi Guys,

I've been reading the thread on true prices of hand crank blowers and have decided that I need one. I'm currently using a cool air hairdryer on my forge, but I want to go totally non-electric.

That said, does anyone in or near Ohio have a line on reasonably priced hand crank blowers? I've check everything from Craigslist to Ebay and found nothing. Well, I found one blower on Ebay, but it seemed way over priced based on the prices listed in our forum.

So, I'm willing to drive 4-5 hours to get this baby. Please, anyone in Ohio or surrounding states who knows how to get a blower let me know. I'd much appreciate that.


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Leo, Quad State will soon be here. I have not been to one of these annual events yet but am told that being there makes you feel like a kid in a candy store.
Anything and everything you might want in blacksmithing tools, and lots of it.
I think it happens in september? There must be plenty of folks here on IFI who can tell you more, where/ when, etc. Good luck. Dan:)

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You guys get compensated for blood donations?!!?!?!?!?! I feel so gipped!
I've been donating fairly regularly to the red cross for years and all they give for it are some cookies and Juice. Being type O negative (can be given to anybody) they are calling me all the time. Maybe I should make 'em pay!

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Against the law to sell *blood* but you can sell plasma and other sub parts; though I never have. I have had friends who did so.

I got my 10 gallon pin with the red cross doing monthy apherisis when I lived in Columbus OH; they had a major cancer hospital and so always needing platlets, O+ didn't hurt either. If I had been 0- they probably would have kidnapped me!

I still donate but living in a small NM town it's only when they have a drive at work. I did find out that a double red cell donation doesn't work well with altitude!

They still take me although I've become diabetic and am on a bunch of medicines.

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They still take me although I've become diabetic and am on a bunch of medicines.

I was under the impression a diabetic couldn't donate blood. Or do you only donate plasma?

I was diagnosed in 2,000 and luckily I'm very stable. I have to do something really sloppy like put myself in the hospital to throw my A1c above 7.

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I have been diabetic for 20 years (type 1). About 15 years ago the Red Cross realized that my blood was as good as anyone else's except a bit sweeter! Once the ban was lifted I have not had any trouble donating. A1c below 7 is pretty darn good. I went on a 6 month diabeties vacation and hit an 8.3. I am off the apathy wagon now and expect a 7 next visit.

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