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I Forge Iron

coal smoke

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If you have to use new/raw coal to start the fire try getting a bright wood fire going and put the coal around the edges so it cokes a bit then slowly add it to the fire. Keep the wood going till you have a bright coal fire then keep it surrounded by coal that is coking and add the coke as its needed.

Make sure you have some coked coal when you finish so you can use that to start next time and the smoke will be less.

Once any fire gets enough heat in it it will somke less.

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the local demo shop saves coke from previous sessions, and uses this exclusively, slowly making more from green coal each time they forge. The smith sources the best coal he can possibly find to do this with. This they must do because the smithy shares a park with some ballfields, all located in a residential area. The helper steps outside regularly to check the chimney discharge and wind direction.

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To reduce the smoke you need open flame on top of the mound. Poking a hole in the top is one way to ignite the smoke. Building a hot wood fire and keeping some of it exposed is another. Using a propane torch to light it works too.

However, if it isn't good enough coal nothing is going to rid you of heavy smoke if you use very much. Some guys who can't use coal will sneak a little into a charcoal fire to juice it up some. The large charcoal fire consumes the smoke before it smogs the neighborhood.

I used to heat with coal, almost 30 years ago now and mined it myself at a open ditch north of here. The coal was superior anthracite and wonderful heater coal. The neighbors for half a mile around complained about the smell and then wondered about the lack of mosquitoes. Sometimes in the same sentence.

When I mentioned the sulfur was probably what was keeping the biters down several other families started burning coal.


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Most likely some "good intentioned" neighbor will at some point call someone that will come to visit. Clean the area of all flammable materials, sticks, leaves, dead grass, etc. Wet down a circle around the forge area with a garden hose and have the hose pressurized and ready. Have the slack tub full of clean water, a 5 gallon bucket of water, and a fire extinguisher handy. When visitors do arrive, they can see your good intentions toward safety, and it is one less topic for discussion.

You can delay the visit by good fire maintenance, and working to reduce the smoke being produced. It can be done you just need to figure out what works for you.

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