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I Forge Iron

Grandpa’s Anvil

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This anvil is in my grandfathers workshop. He passed several years ago so I can’t ask him where he got it and my grandmother doesn’t know. 

pics aren’t great, sorry for the bad light. There is a star, under that it says “made in Sweden”, then it says 208. 

interestingly from the research I have done, marks are usually on the side where the horn is pointing right. These are when the horn is pointing left. 

I wish I could scrub it down to see better but due to family issues I can’t mess with it too much. 





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Your second pic is upside down but it says, "208 LBS." Below that it says, "Made in Sweden"

The other side should say "Soderfors" and or perhaps one of the many model names they were sold under. 

The only thing that gives me pause is the mushrooming of the edge. Soderfors anvils are very hard and don't deform in use, the edges chip. It makes me wonder if someone hasn't used it as a bench to heat things with a torch or perhaps it's been through a fire. 

Sweet Anvils, they're as good as anvils get. I have a 125 lb. Soderfors and figure it'll be the last thing I sell. Period.

Ah HAH, Northern Star by Kohlswa. Another excellent example of cast Swedish steel anvils.

 Frosty The Lucky.

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Irondragon: I did not try the “site:” I didn’t know google could do that. Thanks! That link is great too, the pic in there of anvil makers marks is super helpful.  I don’t know if it shows up here since I had to reduce the image quality but in my original I can make out a crown inside the star! I think that makes it a Kohlswa.


Frosty: I don’t know about past use, but he was a farmer so it has probably been used as a welding table and who knows what else. 

thanks for the help!

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