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Post setting


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I am making a new post and rail (my first) for my front stoop and it will be 3 pcs of 1" rebar with about 90 degree bends at 120 d. apart. I was trying to figure a way to attach the post and ensure that it is tight between the overhang and the brick stoop. I was thinking of some kind of wedge system or two plates where one has bolts and can be tighted then cut off flush. Well if anyone has any ideas or experience with this sort of thing it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Vince

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The rail, I think, needs to be smooth so you can easily run your hand down the length for support as you walk. Find a rail in your area that fits your hand and measure the handrail. No use using what is available and then having to live with it for who knows how long till it gets replaced. This is something that will get used at least twice daily (going and coming back) by each person every day. Spend a little time (and money) and make it right the first time.

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Also will your design pass the local building code? Check that FIRST! no fun to have to go back and remove it and replace it because it doesn't meet code. (And codes can be very stupid indeed!)

Now do you plan to mount it to the wall of the house (and what it that made from?); or only to the stoop? Can you mount it next to the stoop and so not have to drill into the brick that is prone to cracking and water freeze problems?

Rust should be a big problem near the shore too; you may want to think about making it so it can be demounted easily and taked to a place for sandblasting and repainting. Stainless bolts and nuts may be a good idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a weldable rebar out there. The mill I worked at had a "W" for weldable in the grade and size code on it. For those who don't know, US rebar is sized in 8ths of an inch. 4 bar is half inch and 8 bar is one inch. we made up to 18 bar in 80ft lenghts. 3 of those cold cut at a time in a shear is dramatic. With any rebar you have to get all the scale off it to get paint to stick good.

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