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I Forge Iron

Awesome day at the Gloucester Farmer's Market

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I had a booth at the Gloucester farmer's market, people loved my stuff (gave out many many business cards), and I made about $100 in 3 hours, and lined up several commissions:
2 big fancy spatulas, a pair of big fancy salad servers, a set of hinges, and an organic form lantern holder and a handle for a nice push mower. All on a rainy day. Outside. I also worked 5 hours in the morning (landscaping), and I have the day off tomorrow to do those commissions. Woohoo!!!!! yay!!!! There were also tons of people whom I knew there, which was good fun.
Thank you all for being so helpful to me over the past few years, helping me to get this far in smithin'.
Archie Zietman
Zeitgeist Forge

Edited by Archie Zietman
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Good on you Archie!

Nicely done - a word of warning though . . . it can get addictive. Pretty soon you'll be getting all antsy to do the next one . . then the next . . then the next . . .

Glad you had a great time!!

Ok Randy, wobbly headed Geshia girl caper? You gotta tell us about that . . .

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