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I Forge Iron

Yet another anvil id question

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Well, here we are with another of these plain-jane anvil IDs.

I have the ability to aquire this anvil from work, if it's worth having. I'll start by saying it's fairly light, I'd guess in the 50# range. It's obviously cast and, as the photos show, has a G20 embossed on one side. I can't make out any other markings and my search for "G20 anvil" comes up blank on the Google. Any help and feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. If you want/need any other photos, feel free to ask and I'll snag some more at work tomorrow.








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It is a bit light for a general shop anvil, but thay all depends on what you want to forge on it. 

The real questions are, is it cast iron or cast steel? Is the face hard or soft?(ball bearimg test for that) kinda looks divoted up like it might be soft. But you need to test that in person. 

So, it comes down to, is it a usable anvil to You, is it a good anvil or a bad ASO paperweight, and is it worth the price IF it IS a good anvil. 

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I'm still just doing light forging for now, so I don't think a small anvil is a real deal-breaker for me. I don't have a large ball bearing currently (biggest I have is 1/2"), so I'm not sure if the drop test is reliable at that size. The face is a bit pitted, but it has been a military anvil it's whole life. Also, it has a BUNCH of military paint all over it, I didn't have much time to clean it off, so some of the "pits" might be residual paint still. As to the price, it's a no cost kinda thing. It sits in the shop and no one uses it anymore. The boss said he wouldn't miss it if it disappeared.

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Well, if it's safely free, it can't be a loss. Half inch ball bearing or light ball pein should tell you something as to hardness.

Other than that someone here might know something as to the make. To me the name doesn't matter much past the quality. 

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