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Viollet-le-Duc materials


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Eugène Viollet-le-Duc  was a major figure in the Gothic Revival movement of the 19th century, and he was responsible for both the study and restoration of many medieval French architectural monuments, from Notre Dame Cathedral to Chartres Cathedral to the walled city of Carcasonne. 

Violet-le-Duc wrote a major multi-volume survey of French architecture, the Dictionnaire Raisonné de l’Architecture Francais, which Samuel Yellin used as a sourcebook for many of his own designs. The Dictionnaire is available online at Wikisource, and here are links to a couple of relevant articles. Even if you don’t read French, the drawings are of excellent quality, and I hope you find them interesting and useful. 

Grills: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Dictionnaire_raisonné_de_l’architecture_française_du_XIe_au_XVIe_siècle/Grille

Hinges: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Dictionnaire_raisonné_de_l’architecture_française_du_XIe_au_XVIe_siècle/Serrurerie


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