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Russian and Oriental knives tips

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thanks for the right suggestion, if I can and do not disturb and I am not boring, you would have some reference photos, thanks for what material and heat treatment I should adopt, thank you for your cooperation, sorry if I'm petulant, thanks


Risultati immagini per yatagan knife homemadeRisultati immagini per yatagan knife homemade


it would look like a bayonet or a small saber, an oriental scimitar, right, am I wrong?


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I agree.  Saw a couple of nice Kindjal (traditional Cossack daggers) on one trip to the Metropolitan Museum's Arms and Armor exhibit (a must see if on a visit to New York City).  See here for examples: https://www.google.com/search?q=cossack+kindjal&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr4YmA7J3hAhUh1VkKHY34BggQsAR6BAgIEAE&biw=1680&bih=911.  As I recall they are of various sizes, but all fit in what I would call the dagger classification.  I"m pretty certain they have a book covering information about their collection, but with the correct name, perhaps you can do the research yourself.

There are, of course, other traditional eastern European blades, including scimitar/saber styles.  Note, I would never go to "Kult of Athena" for information on traditional blades.

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