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I need help identifying my new anvil

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Hey I just picked up this anvil today. I’ve figured out it weighs 83lbs but I can’t make out the first number of the serial number or the makers logo( although I think it looks like a Trenton). I can make out the words “ANVIL’S” and part of the word “HARDWARE” I believe. Also what does the “K” stand for before the weight? Any info would be greatly appreciated. 





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There were some anvil makers that made their anvils and stamped them with hardware store markings.  Your anvil could be a Trenton.  Try sending a picture with the side view that has the writing.  Even if it's hard to read, some of us will know just from seeing the writing exactly who the maker is.

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One thing to consider is that many anvil manufacturers produced anvils for other vendors and they were stamped with their stampings.  (ISTR an ACME overstamped Trenton). Another is that trenton stamps tend to be shallow and so pass out of legibility.  Some anvils "escaped" into the wild unstamped.  (Having lived in Columbus Ohio, USA; I've seen a couple of anvils that  seemed to have went out the back door unstamped.)

I also have a 400# trenton where the sides were ground smooth obliterating the stampings.

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