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I Forge Iron

What can you tell me about this forge?

Dave Hammer

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This past weekend, I bought this small side-blast forge.

Have any of you seen one like it before? I have a pre-conceived notion about it's origin, but would like information from anyone that really knows about it.

It has a few missing parts I would like to replicate, so if anyone knows what a complete one looks like, it would help me tremendously. This unit is missing the crank, gear cover(s) and something that was apparently mounted on top of the blower (table, coal/water box, vise... ?????)

Also, can anyone offer an opinion (or fact) as to whether the base is/may be original. I have seen a number of small forges, but never one with this type of base. The way it is mounted (underside) looks reasonably like it may be original (no jeri-rigging), but there is room for question.

Thanks in advance.....



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Glenn.... I moved a copy of the photo into your Gallery and changed the link...

Thomas.... How did you do your search? There are no manufacturers markings on this forge, blower or base. I did a search on Google (both images and patent searches) and didn't see anything like it (yet, still looking). I have looked at a lot of forges online, but none like this one.

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Dave, IIRC, I typed in the "man's name patent date blower" and this is what came up CLUTCHING DEVICE FOR FORGES - Google Patents. You may be able to click on this link and start a search from there, dunno, but it might work. BTW, "C. Hammelmann's Pat. April 6, 1886 Buffalo, N.Y." is embossed in the side of the blower, "The Star Machine Co. Buffalo, N.Y." is on the forge pan. There is a 'star' between the word Star and Machine. I haven't come up with anything on the pan, just the blower and lever action/clutch.

Yeah, that is the first one like this I have seen also,(your forge) but that ain't saying a whole lot. :) Wonder if it is a marriage of 2 differnt forges from some time back. The side blast looks to be high to me and I also thought that a side blast needed to be in a firepot. Anyway, let us know what you come up with.

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  • 2 months later...


I came across this old ad that may shed some light on what was mounted on top of your forge. Obviously not the same forge, but the mounts on yours certainly look like it could have been for a similar vise.



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I think it looks like a British Vaughans. Certainly looks like a British something. Try Vaughans Even if you don't find what you are seeking it is always worth looking at. Generally, though, these have a water cooled tuyere. Perhaps the water cooling is a more recent addition. The water is useful as it heats up- yes I do use it to make coffee. I am truly disgusting!

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philip in china... Thanks for your observation. Others have also thought it might be a Vaughans. The design of the dry tue certainly is similar to one of their tue designs. I have sent them an email (thanks for the link) with the picture I posted here, asking if it is one of their earlier offerings (and if not, could they help identify its source).

Thanks again, for everyone who has expressed an interest...

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