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Tire hammer

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I received an email from him just last week. He was in the process of moving his shop to a new place, so has been a bit busy. He was responding to an email I sent him in October. Apparently his spam filters have been a little too pro-active.

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Due to other commitments, John Wayne will not be able to host workshop until maybe October/November. Clay is hoping to have workshop at his new shop late summer. If interested, please contact Clay.....

There is a possible Tire Hammer workshop being planned for June 26-28 at John Wayne Taylor's shop in Wetumpka, AL. Currently, the estimated cost is around $1000. They are looking for at least 7 more people to sign up for the workshop. If you are interested, please contact Clay Spencer at [email protected]

Spread the word....
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We are still planing a tire hammer workshop in Oct-Nov. time frame. contact Clay Spencer to put your name on the list. He may be planing an earlier workshop at his shop this summer. If any one wants a completed hammer or any hammer parts for a workshop call me at 334-514-2254. I don't a computer at my home so I have to use my sisters computer when I can visit her. I have all parts available for sale and can make any jigs that may be needed for your hammer. A complted hammer sells for $2200.00 unpainted and $2500.00 painted any color that you may want. delivery is available for a fee. I live in Wetumpka, Al which is near Montgomery. John Wayne Taylor
cell no. 334-399-0032. hm no. 334-514-2254.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was part of a group that built 12 last year, in Western NY. Clay was like the energizer bunny, answering questions, wrenching, jigging, you name it. I recommend taking the course and enjoying the friendships. I love my hammer, turns out it was the 300th hammer he built. His experience and attitude made the days of work seem like play. He is a wealth of information, take advantage of it.

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What kind of bolt? I used a allen socket head (grade8(?)) Mine haven't come loose. Die mounting plate is mild steel. Not sure if thats an issue. Also, slight misalignment could cause the bolts to work loose. Just a coulple thoughts :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have had no problems at all with mine, but I followed Clay's advice, make sure to check everything every time before operation, and don't treat it like a #250 lb hammer, gentle and slow, it gets the job done. We had a blast building them, and I'm having a blast learning how to use it.

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