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I Forge Iron

Can't get Proper pressure Devils Forge


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Hi everyone. I recently bought a devils forge single burner forge for some of my smaller projects. I've tested it from less than 0.1Mpa to 0.8 Mpa. The issue is the forge doesn't get hot enough. Or if it does it's a huge fireball coming from the forge. Also, I keep reading about some kind of coating I need to put on the wool? Any info on that would be appreciated!

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Which burner are you using and where is the choke set?

A fireball suggests a very rich mixture and that suggests the choke is closed or nearly closed.  If so, try opening it.

The cheaper, DF, series of Devil Forge burners has a screw-adjustable choke.

The more expensive, DFProf, series has a sliding choke

0.1 to 0.8 MPa is 15 to 116 PSI. 

I'd normally expect to see a burner like the DF running in the 3 PSI-30 PSI range or thereabouts.

There are a number of different coatings that are recommended. Availability varies widely with location. Where in the world are you?

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