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I Forge Iron

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I've had my forge and anvil for about a week now and I've made two blades and one pair of tongs. It's a lot of fun. I don't have a digital camera though. sorry.


I have kept track of you posts. It sounds like you are getting in the grove. I will be looking foreward to viewing your blades and tongs.
I have a question! How come it takes two knives to call them blades, and it take only one tong to be called tongs?
Just kidding! ..... Well maybe not. I would like to know! :confused:
Be safe!
Old Rusty Ted


Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? My blades were from a file and a leaf spring. I broke one and I have to temper the second. I am working on another with the other half of the leaf spring.


Some folks use their mobile phone to take photos. It will be great when you get a hold of something to snap some shots of your work. We just love looking at everyone's stuff.


My phone doesn't have a cmaera. I will probably bring some things to work. We have a digital camera there. PS I've been to Oahu back in '91 What a great time.

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