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I Forge Iron

overwhelmed introduction


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so, i stumbled across this forum when trying to decide if i should build or buy my first forge. that turned into research that is a lot more in depth than i was expecting to find. the short version, after reading a lot...and i mean a LOT...of the posts, replies and comments i decided to go ahead and make a profile and join the community here. there is a lot of knowledge and a lot of opinion here, and i want to soak up as much as i can. 

now, about me. i am a disabled vet, so i stay home with my son until he's old enough to start school. i have always been fascinated by blacksmiths at county fairs or stables. whether im watching the farriers fit horseshoes, or some guy making hooks, to an intricate decorative piece, it seems like i get entranced in the art. since i have my son every day, going to school or taking classes is not an option because my wife works full time...even bringing it home on a regular occasion. i have decided that i will stop waiting for the right time and set up a smithy in my garage and teach myself. i already have a few books on my to do, starting with the complete modern blacksmith - recommended from an ABANA site i came across earlier. 

as of now, the only thing i have actually decided on is going with a gas forge (leaning towards blower, based on what i have seen so far here) opposed to coal to begin for ease. i plan on later making one with coal just so i can learn that aspect as well. i tend to have a lot of questions but typically search for the answers before asking, so i am more of a lurker than an active poster, but i will not hesitate to ask for clarification. any advice is always welcome.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. Thank you for serving. If you'll put our general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the Iforge gang live within visiting distance.

Gun or naturally aspirated makes little difference both type will make as much heat as you'll ever need. If you haven't already take a look through the gas forge section for a forge design you think will work for you. Check out Wayne Coe's page as well he has plans and materials available. One important tip where building a forge or burners is concerned. Once you pick a design and plans you like stick with ONE, do not start trying to combine more than one set, even if they're for the same thing. Little things can have big consequences.

They're not "hard" to make but can require more precision than is apparent and the fiddly bits can get ya. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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i was actually planning on checking into seeing when there was going to be a local chapter meeting, i read somewhere that you can actually learn a lot just by showing up and watching some demos. i will definitely keep you posted on everything as i go.


as for the type of burner, i havent set anything in stone yet but after today, i think i have decided that i want to build everything instead of buying anything premade. that being said, simplicity is my friend to start haha. i like to get a good basis of what im doing before tweaking anything. i will definitely check out that page. thanks for the quick responses

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