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I Forge Iron

Hello from Hamilton ON


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Hello all,

Not exactly new to blacksmithing but I am looking to 'actually' advance in it. I took a beginner course with David Robertson about 4 years ago and it was great. I have also read Jack Andrews New Edge of the Anvil many times (the binding is falling apart!) I have a fair amount of tools for blacksmithing (good size anvil (224lbs), bunch of hammers, 220v welder, post and machinist vice.) I do not have a forge because I currently rent in a townhouse complex and my super would have a cow. However, I am looking to be moving in the next year or so and hopefully own!

I am looking to learn under someone in the Hamilton area and I am curious what forum subsection to post for advice in seeking someone who is willing to teach.

Looking forward to the discussions and information you all are willing to exchange and share!


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Welcome aboard Bando, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Just putting it in one subject line isn't going to stick in our minds after we open a new post. Honest, we're blacksmiths not mentalists. :huh:

Frosty The Lucky.

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Good Morning, Brando

I know for a fact there are some good Smith's in your town. Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association (OABA) have a web-site. Find out about the Demonstration they have going (I think next weekend). If you can't find out anything, phone John at Newman Forge and Pattern. He will tell you.

Tell John, Neil says Hi.


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