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I Forge Iron

I finally made my first full knife

Jonah k

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When I first started blacksmithing a couple of years ago one of the main reasons I started (like most other people) was to make knives hawks and other cool stuff like that. But I decided in the beginning that I would xxxx xxx learn to blacksmith before I made anything like that by way of making my tools and some other decorative stuff. I have made a couple of knives before I started smithing but always bought premade blades and made handles and sheaths for them, but this is my first full knife.



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I'm from Rocky mountain house Alberta Canada.

As for the knife it was made from all reclaimed materials the blade is made from a Nicholson file the wood is a leftover piece of hardwood flooring ( spalted Acacia) and the pin and ferrule are scrap 316 tube and a piece of stainless welding rod. I hammered the bevels in and hand sanded on wet 100 grit then sharpened and polished on 1000,4000 wet stones finished with green polish compound on a cotton wheel. I cut the jimping in with an air die grinder with a small cut off wheel worked very well on a hardened blade. The blade was normalized twice then quenched in warm canola oil then tempered in the oven at 375 d/f for 90 min. I ended up doing the heat treat twice because the first time I tempered it at 420 d/f for 90 min and it came out a little to purple, also the first quench I did in motor oil and the second I did in canola. I found that the motor oil left really thick scale that was quite hard to chip off and the canola didn't.


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Nice first knife. Looks like a good EDC.

No need to chip off the scale, just soak in vinegar overnight. Turn it over half way through so both side get the full effect of the bath. The scaling will brush right off with a wire brush. Wear rubber gloves or your hands will stink.


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